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Post Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:52 am

Help with FLE!

My system I made crashes while I'm in the jumpgate to it, I keep getting the message E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\Space\SrvAsteroid.cpp(161) : *** ERROR: AsteroidField linked to missing Zone (Zone_RH06_trierdebrisfield_02)
How can I fix this?

"To the minor problems of Bretonia and Kusari that keep us all sane."

Post Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:15 am

That usually means you deleted a zone and forgot to remove the exclusion entry in your asteroid/nebulae field ini file. To fix it open the affected field ini file in the solar\asteroids (or solar\nebula) folder and look for the exclusion section and remove the entry for the missing zone. The other way to fix it is to re-add the missing zone to the system. Many system errors are caused by improperly setup zones.

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