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MOD: Real Space & Real Space Lite

Here you can find news, get help and comment about all the Mods and tools for Freelancer created by =EOA= Players Consortium, like the ?Freelancer SDK?, the ?Freelancer Explorer? and the ?Real Space Mod?

Post Sat Nov 01, 2003 3:17 pm

That's what i mean EvilDweeb:
All objects in space, regardless of composition (except maybe obsidian) will reflect sunlight. Look at Jupiter and Saturn - very far away and very bright and colorful.

@BlackEagle03 - There are lights on things and it looks fine to me. Do you have your monitor brightness/contrast way down or something?

no my monitor settings are fine.

Achte auf deine Gedanken,
denn sie werden Worte.
Achte auf deine Worte,
denn sie werden Handlungen.
Achte auf deine Handlungen,
denn sie werden Gewohnheiten.
Achte auf deine Gewohnheiten,
denn sie werden dein Charakter.
Achte auf deinen Charakter,
denn er wird dein Schicksal.

Post Sat Nov 01, 2003 10:25 pm

I´ve checked out your Mod today an think is´s the right way. I suggest to put some more accents in the now (although more realistic) universe. You are right, using the most dominating colour (black) in space, but fot the gameplay it might help to set some points for orientation. Further you should check your MOD for compitability with oher MODs´ like the "Earth MOD" if possible.

At last you did a great work till now and I wish you the best to develop it!!



...wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm!

Post Sun Nov 02, 2003 11:50 am

@fine_trader - When the time comes I will probably look into those.

@EvilDweeb - The next version will be much better with the lighting. Now the tradelane lights were doubled in size which hardly seems noticeable but unless I find a better method of making them brighter there is a limit to how big they can be without looking really messed up.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Sun Nov 02, 2003 1:31 pm

i still think you should have sun flares and spine...might even look gorgeous in the dark

Post Sun Nov 02, 2003 1:39 pm

and if you are combining the Liberty mod...i suggest allowing all heavy fighters to ben able to use lvl 10 guns and shields, a la the eagle, titan and sabre....

and equip the navies, with those shields and guns.....

Also to spice it up, in single player campaign i noticed that there is a battleship at every jumpgate to allow u permission to jump.....that should spcie it up a bit if u have to find jump holes out of system if u in the bad books

Post Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:06 pm

In response:

@EvilDweeb - The next version will be much better with the lighting. Now the tradelane lights were doubled in size which hardly seems noticeable but unless I find a better method of making them brighter there is a limit to how big they can be without looking really messed up.


I don't think it is as much a matter of size as it is intensity. Unless there is some control over the entire tradlane figure which would restrict altering the beacon intensity and flaring.

As for my monitor, I have a 22-inch Mitsubishi, and believe me, contrast is not an issue. I have already altered contrast to be able to play other "dark" games as well. I never understood the penchant for darkness to the point of not being able to function.

You can't really "hide" in computer game darkness as the rest of the bots and NPCs know exactly where you are.

The ethereal feeling of dark space works only if the depth aspect is in play, otherwise one is simply playing in on black paper.

Just my two cents, and THANKS!

Post Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:52 pm

I know what you mean. I was playing Halo the other day and was like.. this is pointless, nobody in their right mind would create a complex with poor lighting.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:10 am

Ok, if things are gonna be more fair, have you told the AI not to fly through solid objects???

Such as Asteroids, obsticles that the player can't go through......If our shields go down on the slightest bump, so should theirs'.

The only time it didn't go through things it shouldn't was in the SP game and it would be good for it to be included.

Post Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:35 pm

I'm working on that shield thing. I don't think I've seen ai flying through objects, can you give me an example of where they do?

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:40 am

Full release 2.0 is available for download!

New features are as follows:
- All systems have been updating to the current lighting scheme
- Tradelane lights are more visible
- Replaced ai using nano/bat with ai using the same shields as players
- Added radius damage when ships explode
- Upgraded the Liberty House ships(+Anubis)
- New ship speed/cruise time settings based on ship class
- Class-less weapon mounts on all ships(can mount any class weapon)
- Updated all ship Infocards

Enjoy the show and please let me know of any systems that don't look quite right because of the new lighting scheme.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:37 pm

Ok. There are a few things we (my friends and i ) dont like about this mod...the lighting made the rogues and stuff TOO powerful for takes me 10 mins to kill 1-2 ships and im a damn good player..also we cant run it on our own elite test server and cant control it with ioncross..plz explain to me what the hell the concept of this mod is?...and what is your mp server

Post Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:54 pm

Hey,.. since noones asked, is there any servers running this mod?

Post Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:14 am

still too hard??

i noticed the author took note of my (and others') requests and removed nanbots use from the AI and still too hard....

have u tried playing missions where you get help from liberty forces...THEY ARE UBER'ED

as for lighting, i am mixed on this....the darkness makes space scary again, BUT it seem s to be in the wrong places....its scary in colorado and kepler, but once u hit sigma 13, 19, etc...the lighting is same as before...and deep space isnt scary as colorado

Post Thu Nov 13, 2003 6:15 am

I thought I had made it easier than it was by replacing nano/bat use with normal shields. At least it was easier for me, they dont repair their hulls anymore. I guess it depends on your fighting style, I use the engine kill method which is much superior to the normal one. I will have to see what I can do about making it easier.

We don't have a server running this mod so unless someone wishes to volunteer one I don't know what to say. I will have to look into this ioncross thing to see whats wrong with it but I have never had a problem with it on my test servers. Can you give me some specific details of what the problem is?

There are 2 changes that were made to all systems:
- Removed nebulae backgrounds(black space)
- Changed system ambient light to RGB color 5, 5, 5

That is slightly different from the last version where all lightsources were also modified so they will look different. The thing is I need specific information about which systems have problems. I think there is one in bretonia space that has 2 major light sources but only 1 sun, a bug on DA's part. Also the sigmas for example are inside a nebulae and that is why there is no black space there.

The system changes were done to make it look more like real space but it does have some drawbacks. In the process of removing the nebulae backgrounds it also removed most of the starscape and that is why the systems seem too dark. If I could modify the nebulae cmp files myself I could fix this but at this time its beyond my abilities.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:55 am

There are two things that will make this a much better mod. (you can release an updated 2.1

Lower the brightness level just a little, just so it's not quite as bright as it is now, but things are still visible, and allow for reflection and refraction where necessary.

And please remove the nanobot and shieldpacks from all AI. It's just uncontrollable. the rogues have a nearly endless supply, I'm trying to complete the game on SP, and it's quite difficult. Realism has it's limits. I'm willing to accept the realism of AI for easier to beat opponents.

I really really like this mod. I'm really passionate about the way it's making the game much better. This is what I've been waiting for.

For version 3 you can add in extra missions to make it much more realistic.

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