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*** ALL Rebalance Mod FANS *** READ : Massive Addon/Fix for

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:34 pm

i thought the numbered ini's were for the purpose of the difficulty rating changing batch file - perhaps the source of all the crashes. i know that previous rebal's that the hard version was prone to crash a bit , especially around berlin and colorado - the last few versions most crashes occur when hackers are around - probably when a hi level hacker is spawned and is equiped with a non existing weapon say xxx_05 when the _o4 is the highest version declared but the modder got too happy upping the difficulty of the npc's. I did the same thing on my personal rebal 3.12 - souped up the junkers so that I gave the upper level junkers non existent guns and would crash myself in the vaterlands because of this. perhaps the runnign of the diff batch file cause all the mess with this mod - someone modded the easy ini's, someone the med ini's, etc....


Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:59 pm

i didnt mean to sound as if iam begging or anything. its just no one posted anythign for some time and all. also i havnt really had time to stop by and post since ive been at work along with school, and haivng some relationship problems to. anyway, keep up the good work and everything. sorry if i sounded as if i was begging and all. also if i could i would mod and try to help you out, but all i can do is site back and relax. well, keep up the good work and all. i got to go for now.

Edited by - warrior17 on 3/31/2005 9:59:32 PM

Edited by - warrior17 on 3/31/2005 10:04:22 PM

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:47 pm

Heya Warrior and guys,

First off, my apologies to Warrior for coming across more harshly than I intended to. I didn't realize that I was being that harsh at the time that I posted that.

Well, just so people know, I'm going to start filtering through the multi-level inis and see if what wass pointed out above is true. If that's the case, I'll fix what I can and go from there. Hopefully it'll be something that solves a boatload of problems. Keep your fingers crossed, I know I will


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:41 pm

From the difficulty batch file...

cd data
copy constants3.ini constants.ini
cd data\ships
copy loadouts3.ini loadouts.ini
cd data\missions
copy ptough3.ini ptough.ini
copy pilots_population2.ini pilots_population.ini
cd data\missions\m01a
copy npcships3.ini npcships.ini
echo high difficulty level set, press any key to exit
goto done

cd data
copy constants2.ini constants.ini
cd data\ships
copy loadouts2.ini loadouts.ini
cd data\missions
copy ptough2.ini ptough.ini
copy pilots_population1.ini pilots_population.ini
cd data\missions\m01a
copy npcships2.ini npcships.ini
echo normal difficulty level set, press any key to exit
goto done

cd data
copy constants1.ini constants.ini
cd data\ships
copy loadouts1.ini loadouts.ini
cd data\missions
copy ptough1.ini ptough.ini
copy pilots_population1.ini pilots_population.ini
cd data\missions\m01a
copy npcships1.ini npcships.ini
echo low difficulty level set, press any key to exit

... as you can see ptough, pilots_population, npcships, constants, loadouts all got changed.


Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:37 pm

arch, dont worry about it. all i really want is my life to get back to normal. everything around me it seems is shot to hell right now. sorry on language. but iam also confused on alot of stuff.

take your time on the mod, but dont worry about being sorry.

Post Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:41 pm

erm, take yer time yes, but for us hopeful, how about a weekly or biweekly update? would like to hear some good things about how it's going.
thanks guys.

Post Tue May 17, 2005 6:50 am


Would like to offer any assistance possible, as my interest in this mod goes back a while ;o).

Also have an updated version of my ship pack coming soon for an addition (if needed).



Post Wed May 18, 2005 2:09 pm

Hey all you guys,
First off, let me apologize for disappearing off the face of the planet for a few months. I have been very busy with school and a pseudo-job, and I have had very important AP exams in the past few weeks. But now those are over, and next week I am taking the easier end-of-semester finals for the other 5 of my classes. So summer is almost here - w00t!

Now, as you all probably learned from ArchKaine, he and I are working on a new mod. As of right now, 2 other people are also helping: awts0c, the creator of the Firbolg Rheinland LF, currently our head shipwright; and EngineOfDarkness, who is helping with some ini aspects. Oh, and it is with both happiness and sadness that I pass this on to the Rebal community: I think good ol' ArchKaine has finally found the next path in his life - he has entered the Navy Reserve. I give him a hearty slap on the back for having the motivation to take such a big step - I think we all should. He also says that he will try try to help modding, but understandably so, might not have as much time to do so. So for the time being, we're waiting on news from him. But I now have more time again, and awts0c is making ships left and right So we're still alive, if anyone was wondering. Sorry for the time in purgatory there

Alright, well, on to the good stuff. When I first realized that something had gone terribly awry with Rebalance 3.5, I was nervous. It was working fine on my machine, I thought I got all the files I edited in the mod file, but apparently, the only explanation I can think of really, I missed one or I left one out that was not updated ... Something obviously went wrong, and out of the 2535 files of Rebalance, I just could not seem to pin it :p
So, it was with much chagrin and disappointment that Arch and I decided to put the mod on hold -- he had some family issues to deal with, and wasn't too sure what mess I had made :p, and I was overloaded with school, friends, family, lack of sleep, etc. We just could not communicate efficiently (limited internet due ti Arch's brother and sister-in-law) or figure out what the heck went wrong. And there is little to be done with a project that huge ...

However, we decided that we are starting a new mod, one that will be a very large expansion to Freelancer. It will not be the next vesion of Rebalance - we are starting from the ground and building up. We started off the SDK 1.4 framework, and have been working from that. We are tenatively calling the mod Sirius Expansion (no pun intended :p ), or SirEx for short.
SirEx will bring some large changes to the FL universe, some wof which include:
- totally revised and edited ships (all ships in the game);
- more stratification of ship classes;
- totally revised weapons, shields, and other equipment (all equipment);
- many new ships, all of which will fit with the FL universe (awts0c has a penchant for designing ships that fit Houses' and factions' styles very well). So no more Unioners in Xwings or EAP Javelins attacking you;
- new systems, all of which will be complete, populated, and hopefully beautiful (that's the hard part, eh?)
- more RPG-feel, reputation-wise. You will have to work to stay in factions' pants (no more shooting a few BHs and a Lib Policeman, and then jumping onto the Corsair pirate boat :p)

There are many things that we are trying to do in this mod, none of which are final or near completion. In the very scant free hours I have had in the past 2 months, I have made some changes already, getting ready for the summer - for when the real fun begins

-=: NOTA BENE :=-
One thing of note here: This mod will not be a compilation mod.
We are looking to give a real and unique feel to it, a Freelancer sense yet with a noticeable and significant touch of its own. If we can at all avoid it, we are not going to throw a bunch of ship packs together and then say "Look at the mod!" No, there are a few snazzy ships shared by a few generous mods and modders, but aside from about 8 or 10 (of the current ~ 45 or 50 new ships - a still-growing number), all other ships will be original and unique to SirEx. It is not that other ships, like Porche's awesome Star Wars ship packs and Firebase's great ships, are not great ships - it's just that a lot of other mods have used them, and we're going to try to release some new ones to enhance the experience.

@ Augur, if you are so inlcined, the team would be honored to receive your help and your superb work! I will drop you an email about it =)

And yes, we know that this is not Rebalance, but it will hopefully have elements that resemeble it. I honestly hope that the fact that this is not Rebalance does not turn a lot of modders or players away. It will have similar elements that Rebal has (to an extent - we most certainly are not copying or stealing big MD's hard work), but it'll have its own feel to it, too.

If anyone is interesed, I can keep the forum updated on a regular basis with news. One thing I would like to say, though, is that this mod does not have a release date as of right now. We are keeping it loose because, as was seen a few months ago, rushing and/or cramming modding into a busy schedule simply does not put out quality work. So we are taking our time, and we will make this mod as good as we know how And we also want to keep a few things for the Freelancer to discover on his/her own, so we might not divulge everything ...

Well, I apologize again for the long time underwater, but I can be on the forums much more now. So until later, take care, all.

~ Ro9ue

Edited by - Ro9ue on 5/18/2005 3:13:55 PM

Post Wed May 18, 2005 3:00 pm

@ Ro9ue

I've been cleaning up the beta3 version for a week now & I've discovered that the ships "battleaxe","t-bird" both ask for collision groups that are not there.Do you have the missing cmp or 3db files for these ships,if so could you e-mail them to me.Use the e-mail button above this post for my address,& add freelancer to the subject title please.

Rebalance will live on onboard my computer,but I doubt if I'll ever release it,It's going to take me months just to cleanup the systems & that doesn't include ships,weapons,commodities & every other upgrade thats in it.

Good luck on the new mod & please keep us posted on its progress.

Post Fri May 20, 2005 1:33 pm


Yeah, I also noticed that when I was editing the ships in Rebal. The Slipstream, too, was originally supposed to have destructible components, but those were lost somewhere along the line a while back, I guess.

I think I remember reading in the Gen Editing Forum that the Battleax was released originally as its own mod, an addon of it own. So I will go see if I can find that and then check out the parts

Also, a thing of possible import regarding .3db files:
I've figured out how to make custom .3db models files -- for bullets, missiles, and thrusters, mines, etc. (fixed equipment - still working on revolute gun models, but not quite there yet). So I think I might try to make a ship with destructible parts over the summer ... just as a heads up to a possible develpment down the road

Ok, well, I'm going to go see if I can find the Battleax, so until later, later.

"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Edited by - Ro9ue on 5/20/2005 2:36:47 PM

Post Fri May 20, 2005 7:09 pm

hey rouge (sorry for spelling it wrong), with the sirus ex. have the raven claw from rebalance? PLEASE say it will, if not can you do me the honor of putting it in a mod of its own that will be compatable, PLEASE. out of every ship i have flown i have loved it the best. so PLEASE put it in, also with the extra spaces for the shields and all. its one of the reasons why i love it so much next to its look and handleing and weap numbers.

Post Sat May 21, 2005 1:02 pm

@ Ro9ue,I,ve looked at both ships with HARDCMP & the t-bird's basically a saucer shape so it doesn't have anything to break off.The battleaxe looks like it's still Work In Progress,it's stats say 5/2 for weapons but it's only got 1 weapon hardpoint,I'm starting to wonder if this might be the cause of some of the unexpected CTD's.

Post Tue May 24, 2005 7:48 am

Hey people,

Hey look, I didn't actually fall off the planet

Anyway, I just dropped in to let you all know that I'm busily studying and training for my Military duties. Regrettably that forces me to put any modding on the back burner for a while, but I will do my best to keep in touch with, and up to date with, all the modders involved with Rebalance and Sirex. If you guys want to drop me a note, you're welcome to, but please don't make any feature requests of me for now. I'm busy enough as it is

By the way, if any Mod Team Members would drop me a note, if even just to say Hello, I'd appreciate it, so that I can start some sort of dialog exchange with you all to get to know your strong points. The better that we can take advantage of all team member's strengths, the better the mod that will evolve from all this

Let me know what you all think, and kill a few nomads for me

Talk to you all later,

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Tue May 24, 2005 11:07 pm

Hey hey, bro, long time no see Keep up the hard work, and we'll keep you up to date

Ah, ok guys, the Battleax is composed of a few separate 3db files, all of which are inside of the CMP file. So the files the shpiarch references are not nonexistent, they ajust aren't as visible as the rest of them. I'm not sure about the Tbird, as I can't seem to find its model anywhere ... though it is probably similar to the 'Ax.

Well, I don't have a lot of time at teh moment (have my last - repeat, last! - final today, and then I am done!) But until 915 this mornign, I am still a student, so gotta do well.

But warrior: we can see about putting the Ravenclaw in there, though we had hoped to stay away from others' work unless we soecifically asked them and we thought it added an importanat taste/thing to the mod that we'd not be able to replicate or compare to with something of our own ... We'll see. It's a good ship, dont get me wrong, but it's a little uber for the mod and it's not ... well, all that uncommon anymore, you know? But again, that's something for later.

Got a few new ships and ideas starting to come together - keep you posted on them. I have to get studying for the last exam, so for now, take care.

- Ro9ue
"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Post Sat Jun 11, 2005 3:54 pm

It's good to see people trying to keep this mod alive. I'll dl it as soon as you guys release it. Keep up the hard work!

Will there be some order oriented things in the mod? Like new order ships, encounters, and being an actual faction?

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