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Official Version 2.0 TNG info

Here you can find news, get help and comment about ?The Next Generation? Mod for Freelancer

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 11:54 pm

Official Version 2.0 TNG info

OK time to let the cat out of the bag. Since I've been telling alot of people, might as well tell everyone before someone spills the beams.


World changes:

Much has changed. The shadows have resurfaced bringing with them death and destruction. The narn and centauri war endlessly. The mimbari and vorlons have gone reclusive and watch from a distance, wary of outsideers. The federation seeks to expand it's empire and power. However admiss all the chaos, a new race has recently appeared. They are known as the ancients. These seemingly immortal beings have advanced technology that dwarfs even that of the vorlons and shadows. They feel the universe has set itself for immenate destruction and instead of waiting for the end they have detemined to hasten the process and start anew, leaving only a few survivors from each race to start over with a harsh lesson.



New Races:

Federation Commonwealth
The Ancients


New systems:

Narn - Moor'Toth
Centauri - Centauri Prime
Federation - Sol
Mimbari - Sha'Kaldin
Vorlon - Voritsk
Shadows - Z'ha'dum
The Ancients - The Void


New equipment

Narn - Heavy Laser Cannon (Orange), Pulse Cannon

Centauri - Battle Laser (Yellow), Pulse Cannon

Federation - Particle Beam (White), Particle Cannon, photon torpedo

Mimbari - Fusion Beam (Blue), Neutron Cannon, Nuetron Missle

Vorlon - Lightning Beam (Green), Lightning Cannons, Bio-Armor

Shadows - Phase-Shifter (Missile), Bio-Armor

The Ancients - Death Ray (red), Molecular Decompiler (Blaster), Energy Field (Shield), Elite tractor, scanner, power, and hull upgrades


Ship Changes:

Several ships that belong to the various faction will be moved into their own homeworlds. These include but are not limited to the following:

Federation - Starfury, Thunderbolt, Enterprise, Independence, Justice

Mimbari - Nail

Vorlon - VPK, vorlon fighter

Shadows - All shadow Ships

Centauri - Unknown at present

Narn - Unknown at present

New ships Slated for develepement


Narn - G'Quan Battleship, T'Loth Cruiser

Centauri - Primus Battleship, Vorchan

Federation: Deimos, Ankh, Aquitaine, Warlock WarShip, Omega, Hyperion

Mimbari - Sharlin WarShip, Tinashi Cruiser

Vorlons - Star Killer, Star Destroyer, VPK revamp (Warship)

Ancients - Shivan ships, Dragon vessels, Massive Warship


Other Major Advancements:

Player controled Battleships and Warships will be dockable

Players may buy and fly bases

Warp Drives for capital ships

** Workable cloak is under developement but will be removed at the first sign of abuse.

More on development later ................................

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:54 pm

ok so im wondering how this story is connected to the freelancer story or are you just making a different story for the sake of the mod?

If your behind me it's cos i let you, If your infront of me your already dead!

Post Sat Aug 23, 2003 10:03 pm

You're kidding, right?

So in the middle of your Babylon 5 total conversion (which is where you're heading at this rate) you'll still have TIE Fighters and X-Wings?

I really don't mean to insult your work, and I deeply respect the skill that it takes to do something SO COMPLEX (It's completely beyond my ability), but really, I think you've taken it too far, Raynen. I stopped playing TNG when I launched and discovered that everywhere I went, I had to stare at the "Nexus", while watching Star Trek, Star Wars, and Babylon 5 collide in a very tacky clash of Sci-Fi fiction.

Post Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:41 pm

for cloaking: try to create some kind of cloak-jammer device or some über-scanner that can detect cloaked ships...(startrek)

"Just for a good shot - for what else?"

Post Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:00 am

his right, on the other hand don't put cloak thingy i assure someone will abuse its capabilities... where only humans... temptations is ... ya know what i mean...

Working hard to earn... but too lazy to do something...

Post Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:54 am

Great Job to you Reynen and the rest of the TNG crew. I'm constantly waiting to see what you guys will add next. Awesome work, keep it up!

Post Wed Aug 27, 2003 10:53 am

i assure someone will abuse its capabilities

yes...right..but IWANT IT!!! just for SP pleeezzz!!!

i was trying to make a cloaking device myself, wasn'T functioning...

"Just for a good shot - for what else?"


Post Fri Aug 29, 2003 7:05 pm

It sounds interesting!
Making various Sci-fi ships available to players is not tacky, it is great. People have preferences, and you are providing flexibility and freedom to choose, which is in keeping with the spirit of this great game to begin with. Babylon 5 simply has a great selection of really cool looking ships, an interesting plot, and a public awareness base. I do hope the game is not a total conversion to it though.

Can other simple mods be used with this mod, like the cruise enhancement mod that comes with FLMM?

I do have one suggestion. I just downloaded the 1.6 version and checked the read-me. You have various security measures so that people cannot modify the game. I can understand this for multiplayer, to prevent servers from crashing. BUT, I do not play on line and like to modify engine colors, ship capabilities, etc. You are preventing us from doing the very thing you are doing -- modifying the game. Can you allow people to modify .ini files if playing off line?

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:12 am

If people know how to mod the game offline they will know how to mod it online. It defeats the purpose. Either it's modifyable or it is not. There is no middle ground here.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:15 am


oh boy i cant wait!!!!

"Piloting a ship doesn't make you lose weight"
-Fat Trent

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:49 pm

Reynen, theres one Question that i've been DYING to ask:


<Don't tell me here, mail me>

Oh and, Reynen, you weren't the first to make New Factions.

theres one thing, I think you are heading into some kind of endless pit. TNG is good, but now you are drifting too far into the Sci-Fi World!!

Be careful, you don't want to lose lots of people who like the mod, as the mod's getting too one sided.

I'm your Helping Hand

X-Lancer Project Leader
TNG Public Liason

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 3:11 pm

I appreciate the work you guys done so far, I started to loose my interest in original FL too, but isn't it a bit stupid to mix incompatible things like X-Wing, Millennium Falcon and Shadows? I'm very confident with Origin Systems universe (very similar is X universe), Star Wars universe, but as far as I know there is no place for Shadows in FL. I think it's not Sci-Fi you know it's just Fi. I tried TNG1.6, well technically it's not NG. Gun/Turret system screwed up, there is no difference where to buy, it’s all the same everywhere and their prices unbalanced, oh and shields are tampered too, I think they lost something very important - complexity. Single player Story-line damaged: mission with race is too tough due to decrease of cruise engine start, mission with Rheinland fleet near Shinkaku station is nearly impossible because of tampering with Rheinland battleship stats. In general single player game isn’t playable at all. Everything in TNG seems unbalanced and corrupt. If it’s going to move to Babylon 5 universe, let it be so, but please don’t mix it wit things from SW and X, it hurts in every step when I see how things are done.

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 5:19 pm

you can thank the many ppl who complained non-stop to rey for that. otherwise, you be exploring to find ships

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 5:27 pm

You dont sound very appreciative to me, you sound more...


but it is hard to please everyone, but noone seems to know this

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:32 pm


I don't expect you to understand, you probably haven't even played it very much to see what we have done. Judging by appareances.

You said it's not complex, do you KNOW how many people complained when we DID make it complex? Also you said everyone can buy everything everywhere?

Strike one - it's faction based now, you can ONLY buy if you have a good rep with that base, befor you coudl get nuetral to everyone and buy anything from anyone.

Strike two: You think everyone like complexity, sorry man 90% of the people who play this are impatient, lazy, and simple people who want everything right now. We cater to the majority.

Strike three: Assumptions. How is the gun / turret system screwed up? Turrets fire longer then guns? It's like that in the regular game. Shields were not tampeerd completely new ones where added. Race is too tough? Sorry you are trying to fly that with a heavy fighter, try a light figther, or get better at piloting. The race has been made HARDER. So you think taking on an ENTIRE fleet with only a few ships should be EASY? Poeple wanted a challenge, I gave it to them. You say SP isn't playable, many many people will disagree with you. "Everything seems unbalanced and corrupt" Seems like you are lacking proof in your statement. The same thing could be said about cars in your mirrors, just because they look far away, are they? No.

Anyway, since you obviously know the perfect way to create the perfect mod to please EVERYONE and I do mean any joe or jane that downloads it, I'll expect a full report by Tuesday morning on how to accomplish this.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

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