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FL: TNG 1.5 Update Status

Here you can find news, get help and comment about ?The Next Generation? Mod for Freelancer

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 4:02 am

FL: TNG 1.5 Update Status

So far the following is going into the 1.5 patch.

Due to all the massive exploits with the capital ships engines they now only go 300 like everything else. Really sorry
AI has been compeltely revamped and is as followed (max difficulty lv 4 lib, lv 8 bret, lv 12 kusari, lv 16 rhienland, lv 20 border worlds)
You will now see the correct mission payouts on the mission acceptance screen
Market commodities has had a complete overhaul, no more massive profits
Fixed Starfury, Taidaan Scout, and Vorlon Fighters equipment hardpoints
Fixed B-wing torpedo hardpoints, they no longer stick out the engine
Decreased black hole fast roation and they go the right way...
You can only play on a server if you have a matching version
Pirates now have gunboats, cruisers, and battleships!
Hyperspace Gateway is now composed of jumpholes
BS, CR, & GB's now thave their original engine FX
The Expansion is now 1.1 Server patch compatible
Order thruster now has the correct energy usage
Thrusters for capital ships have been adjusted
BS, CR, & GB turret damage has been lowered
Reduced tradelane and dockring turret dmg
Added cruise disrupter to all shadow ships
LOTS of new missions added to the nexus
All capital ships on missions have shields
Several nexus values have been changed
Shield's have had their regen increased
Starting ship has been beefed up some
Capital engine infocard has been fixed
The original FL ships are NOW for sale
Got rid of almost all console warnings
Fixed transport dock ring problems
Incorperated Giskards RingWorld
Removed BS hoods docking ring
Shadow cruiser camera is fixed
Asteroids are now destructable
Got rid of msg_id system error
Gunboats now use 1-10 turrets
Modified the slave 1 camera
Removed calibase dock ring
Increased tradelane shields
Added mine to nail fighter
Changed starflier infocard
Shield infocards are fixed
Removed Kyoto dock ring
Random Shadow Attacks
Solo Battleship Missions
Solo Gunboat Missions
Solo Cruiser Missions
Huge group missions
Fixed y-wing Cost
Fixed nail's name
Lv Up to 88

Edited by - Reynen on 15-07-2003 01:05:58

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 4:11 am

y cant capships just have a cruise engine that can go like 1000 or something, since you already cant transfer engines so people cant put them on a small ship. and if you have cruise disrupters they couldnt just speed away from attack like you can now. this would definatly be better than no more warp

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 5:36 am


You can't just make individual ships go different cruise speeds without adding more engines. The cruise speed is set in the constants.ini. THAT is what controls the cruise speed. When you change that it effects ALL ships. It can be increased, but then it screwes up the single player game. Also as far as I know you cannot make engines have different cruise speeds, but i will see if I can make one.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - Reynen on 12-07-2003 06:37:38

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 6:25 am

I have noticed that when you get a update for your engines, via the nexus, and later on you want to change ships, your Engine update cant go to your new ship. It says that you cannot trasfer you engines between ships,i think. That is alot of money down the drain.

Can you fix this if you have time?

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 4:21 pm

We belive this is an original FL bug. We don't know why you can't sell your engine, you can sell everything else. We did not make it like this. We are looking into a fix and trying to figure out why the game won't let you sell it.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Sun Jul 13, 2003 5:27 am

Might be a failsafe...

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 9:15 pm

Personally, I don't mind that the engines can't be switched from one ship to another. I think more systems should be like that, armor and powerplants in particular. Think about it, these systems are specifically designed for one particular ship. Even if you get a Mark IV engine for your light fighter, it's the Mark IV model specifically made for that ship. You can't expect the engine from one ship to fit into the engine compartment of another anymore than you would expect to put a bus engine into a VW Bug.

If the engine "problem" is ever fixed, it would be interesting if they added some roleplay limitations to the system. Perhaps only factions like Junkers and Pirates can transfer engines in their ships (which are often made out of salvaged and stolen parts.)


Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 9:16 pm

Maby its so people doint sell their engins then launch into space with no way to get back?

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 11:48 pm

what are:

Solo Battleship Missions
Solo Gunboat Missions
Solo Cruiser Missions

they sound cool, but what are they

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 3:56 am

Would it be possible to include a cobra MkIII that can be bought, it may not be the smartest ship on the block but us old 'uns would still like to pilot it.

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:02 pm

are u considering ever putting human bab5 capships like the hyperion and the nova or warlock in another patch?

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:18 pm


That is part of the reason i think microsoft did it that way. No doubt someone would sell their engine and then complaiin it's a bug cause they can't launch without an engine...



What do they sound like to you. There are solo missions and there are group missions. Those missions you fly by yourself.



We will condsider it.



Are you going to make the ships for us. It's not that easy.

First someone has to model the ship
Then someone has to texture it
Then someone has to make the hardpoints...

It's not like we can just snap our fingers. Try making a ship yourself and see how hard it is.


I'm a bit flustered on how easy people think it is for us to do this. IT TAKES MANY MANY HOURS OF HARD WORK.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Thu Jul 17, 2003 5:50 am

im making a cruiser, could it maybe be put in the mod when i complete it?

Post Thu Jul 17, 2003 7:42 am


Does it work?
Does it look good?
Does it give any errors?

I don't mean to be too picky but I want good stuff in there. So it all depends on the quality friend.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Thu Jul 17, 2003 8:02 pm

This mod is very cool but I'm somewhat surprised by the handling of the ships. I can understand some of them handling like tanks but I thought some of the heavy fighters would have managable handling. I thought it might be an isolated incident but after trying out the Jedi Defender (I think that's the name), the B-Wing, the Slave 1, and the X-Wing, it seems to me they all have awful handling. Would it be possible to make one or two of these ships, say the Slave and X-Wing, handle more like the old Eagle? Or is what I'm asking impossible?

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