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**** Expansion **** Freelancer: The Next Generation vs 1.4

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Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 11:37 pm

The shadow cruise and white star are not the best ship and they have MAJOR disadvantages as well as advatages.


1: They only have their own guns. One them guns are HAVE to buy a new ship since you cannot really equip any other weapons on them.

2: They have no torpedos. They are at an EXTREME disadvantage fighting anyone with range on thier side. I can take out either of these ships in a b-wing without ever getting a scratch.

3: The what star is slow as all heck. Nuff said on that. The shadow cruiser is the least powerful of the cruisers.


1: Their weapons are extremely deadly and don't require ammo.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:24 am

1. does the 1.4 patch include the 1.3 nexus patch
2. could u consider putting in manouverability upgrades as flying the heavier fighters smetimes seems like flying a brick.

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