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Freelancer INI exporter/GAMEDATA exporter stuff

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Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 6:32 pm

Freelancer INI exporter/GAMEDATA exporter stuff

Heyhey, everyone, just post any questions, flames, etc.. about my progs.

Feel free to comment about how the console-based format sucks

-Silver Fire

Some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them

Post Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:06 am

Hola! Looks like I get to be the first to say.... Rock Star! Good job on the application.

Bout the DOS CLI.... more <3 ... works perfect for me, with a few minutes, i was editing filelist.txt, creating templates for each directory, and one template for every .ini that would scan without returning tempHash not available.

Since then, I've been able to output nearly every "EXE Address" of both pre and post mod variables/nicknames! I now have a much easier time converting Console HEX errors, in to logical decimal addresses, that I can actually decifer and debug!

Only recommendations: Keep up the great work.... perhaps package the exporter with preset templates for all the .ini's the current version can scan. Also, it would be nice, to be able to specify a path, seperate from the application root dir, for all output'd data... perhaps using the first line of filelist.txt to specify the output path.

Again, much thanks & <3 for your assistance & application, you'll be in my mod's credits, upon it's release

The humble Crew

(BTW) My First Post

Post Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:14 pm

i need help i can't work it

Post Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:52 pm

it is **** IT DOS NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:17 pm

Well, it is working for the others. Ever thought of it that YOU might be doing something wrong?

Post Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:17 am

Methinks he lost his rattle when he posted that comment mind you - near a month old

Edited by - Chips on 3/2/2004 3:17:49 AM

Post Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:32 am

This is old, but I just have to comment...

Feel free to comment about how the console-based format sucks

I rather like console tools since you can compose them into a pipeline that does what you want. Deficiencies I've found in console tools for special interest areas - including the ones here on TLR - generally are due to poor core libraries for options parsing and no well-defined standards for how things can be chained together. When someone makes a mansion out of mud and straw, I tend to be impressed with what they were able to do; the repair costs after rainstorms are just a side effect of the materials they had to work with.

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