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***UTILITY*** FL System Studio

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Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 11:42 pm

***UTILITY*** FL System Studio

Ok, I've completed the first alpha release of the FL System Studio and I am looking for people to test it. If you would like to test it, please e-mail me @ [email protected] or post below with u'r email address. As of now it edits systems only, but in the (near) future it will support editing of bases, encounters, asteroid files, nebula files, and more. If you have any suggestions, please post here.


Edit: You can download the file here, and you can get the VB Runtimes here.

Edit: Beta 2 has been released

Edit: Beta 3 has been released

Edited by - Rayth on 22-04-2003 01:11:46

Edited by - Rayth on 23-04-2003 04:32:54

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:48 am

I'm working on a similar tool I would like to test your tool. Mine is an openglbased tool you can download a firstlook version here.
So we are working on the same idea maybe we could help each other.
Here is my Email: [email protected]

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:50 am

Ouuuups sorry here is the right link.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 1:56 am

Just click the little "e-mail" button above this post to send it over to me. Anything that helps editing systems I want!

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:09 am

i want to test it too i am tirred of misplacing stuff in the new york system i am using the demo still

i am only atacking the people who want to kill me but what if they kill me first

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:33 pm

After about 5 minutes of trying to use this I've run into these bugs:

1) When loading the FL files it runs into an ActiveX error "ActiveX component can't create object"

2) When trying to create a mod, or create a system it returns "Path Not Found" errors.

These two errors make the program unusable, but that's understandable from an Alpha version. At least the trade lane ring calculator works ^_^

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 11:36 pm

For the ActiveX error, make sure you have the VB Runtime files installed, as for the path error, I will look into that. Thanks

Edit: Found the path error, accidently had the path as DATE instead of DATA...oops

Edited by - Rayth on 17-04-2003 00:38:04

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:16 am

I still get the "Path Not Found" error with the new one (Run-time Error 76 if it helps :\). I have the VB 6 Runtime files installed and I still get the ActiveX error.

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:54 am

Ok, both errors are fixed now. I've been using it for a bit and haven't run into something else. I have the program set to load the FL files on startup, and all works in the loading process until I go into the System window. All the general information for the systems loads fine, along with some of the other stuff, but in all systems except New York (Li01) the Objects don't load. NY is the only system that has any thing under objects, the rest are all blank. However, when I added my own objects to St01 (Omicron Minor, tradelanes) they showed up in the editor. Things like planets, bases, and tradelanes I didn't add myself won't show up for any other system.

Edited by - Khaos on 17-04-2003 04:55:49

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:28 am

does these programs only edit systems?
or do they allow you to MAKE systems?

I have learned my mistake with Dungeon Siege....
I dont wanna start building until, I have the proper (and working) tools....
used alot of time on DS when the editor and tutorials wernt quite finished,
and at somepoint I got fet up, and didnt bother trying again later.
yeah yeah I know, geez what a quiter, but thats me =)

"Keep it icy, man .. I dont want to end up a corpse before my time, because YOU were daydreaming[!"

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:13 am

Khaos: Did you uncompress the system files? None of the objects and such will display unless the system file is uncompressed. You can check if it is or not by looking on the general tab for the field, 'file status'. If it reads as Compressed, you must first uncompress the file, the look at the other tabs for the information.

Darken: This program allows for both editing and creating systems. However, as this is an early release, the assistance given in creating a system is next to nothing but will be increased as I continue on the project. You can check this forum every now and then because I will be posting when I make a public release. The first Beta release will be by the end of this week when I am sure that the basics of the program run ok and without problems. If you would like to help test the changes i make before that release, you can email me or post so below.


Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 8:27 am

[email protected]

ill test it out as well.

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 8:52 am

Yay, I'd like to test it out too!!!
[email protected]

Hey Windu, how exactly does your program work??? I tried to open an ini file but nothing happens?!? Do I have to do something with the ini first or what???

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the Universe is winning. "

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:12 pm

Rayth, I'd like to help test it.

TND-DK, have you uncompressed the ini files? I just realized that's the problem I've been having.

Edited by - Dwightman on 17-04-2003 23:21:27

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 11:49 pm

Ok, here is the first public Beta Release. Please use it to it's fullest extent so I can get as many bugs fixed as possible. As always, it requires the Visual Basic Runtime Files. Please do read the readme.txt as it has important information for installation of a needed file. If you have any prolems, let me know.


Download here

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