OOps, we're going off-topic here. Still, the last remark from me: it's easy to be a commie when you don't know what it is. For the sake of curiosity, compare German and Russian propaganda, songs, order, etc. for ca. 1933-1944.
Actually, there is one song with different lyrics but identical music - one version is in Russian and about communism, the other - in German and about Adolf.i'm speaking of "Brueder in Zechen und Gruben". or is the pro-commie attitude a kind of an acto or rebellion?
Okay, enough of that. Yes, not all members of the Coalition were Russians - far from it, but all of them were pro-communists (or very close to that, judging by the insignia). In general, one could say that the whole conflict may be seen as the extrapolation of te Cold War (the "what if" stuff) plus some arabian stuff (been in in fashion for a while) placed in the futuristic environment. However, politics aside, the game is great fun. And, finally, IT'S A GAME.
Life is sexually transmitted