Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:58 pm by NukeIt
I tried MP a few times, and there weren't enough people in there to host a decent game(as in 5 or 6 people). If there were a few more, though, it would definitely be worth the effort.
"Although I do not consider myself a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, I find that their goals and mine often follow the same path. I will aid them when I can...if they give me a percentage of the salvage from whatever they frag along the way. Hell, they were even so kind as to sell me a ship after one of my jobs with them, and I've been flying her ever since. But god help them if someone puts a bounty on THEIR heads, for I don't care who I hunt for, as long as their live capture(or untimely death) can get me enough credits to buy a decent sized mug of my favorite drink."- A Freelance Bounty Hunter.