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Does anyone know how to make the cages at shipyards into doc

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Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 8:12 am

Does anyone know how to make the cages at shipyards into doc

As the question says, if ya wanna spill the beans or point in the right direction or give me a little line of code.. . god for it... most appreciated...

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 2:50 pm

I am thinking it will need a hardpoint for docking to on its cmp file (if it has one) then it will need an ammendment to its entry in the solararch.ini file to include the fact that it is dockable i would have thought, then a base and ammendments to its files in the doodly dandy thingy (system file). As you won't have docks on the actual model - best to have a moor point. If its the shipyard holding thingy, then you might have to add something too it like the dockpoint at the back so that they moor up through the gap.

Alternatively - make a base(shipyard), then orientate a mooring point at the back of it instead (like the ones above planets) - like at the back of the station but in the gap in the station so ships moor up through the gap. Then make it part of the partent base (ie the shipyard) and change the moor to jump in the solarach.ini file for a few of the points (thanks Wanderer). Dunno if that works but in theory its good. Know the mooring point will work fine as they already work nicely. Try that for an idea. Other one is a little more complicated - look at the other stations see what they have for files into this.

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:44 pm

Chips.... You are more handy than a wheel chair to a cripple. Thanks, I think I've had an epiphany

Edited by - downwind_thief on 15-10-2003 05:36:25

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