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A little help for my scorpion

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Post Wed Oct 08, 2003 4:34 am

A little help for my scorpion

Okay, I'm (as always) unable to figure things out. Would someone be willing to import my model into Freelancer for me? Here's a render I made of it.

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:34 am

OMGZORZ it's a skorpian taht hovars without flapping!

(Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm afraid I can't help, though - sorry.)
(Oh, bonus points to people who actually get it.)

Edit: I suppose I might try to help a little. That's a render, right? I don't think milkshape does renders, but you do have milkshape anyway?

Why make your own mistakes when someone else has already made them for you?
-Learn from the skeletons floating in the piranha pool: NO SWIMMING!

Edited by - Whasp Commander on 08-10-2003 06:37:26

Post Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:37 pm

Yeah, I made the model in milkshape. Rendered it in Bryce 3d, I'm still not very good at texturing so that is why it's so drab for colors.

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:41 am

if you are using milkshape, be sure that you have the cmpexporter, if you don't it is in the downloads section.

be sure that you have created hardpoints for your ship and located them accordingly.
Hp/Fixed/HpEngine01 ... 0# or how many fire do you want your engine exhaust you like.
Hp/Fixed/HpThruster01 ... 0#
Hp/Fixed/HpShield01 ... 0#
Hp/Fixed/HpContrail01 ... 0# number of trails not engine trails your wing can produce.
Hp/Fixed/HpBayDoor01 and 02 can only be two and make sure that they are apart 4 to 5 units.
Hp/Fixed/HpCM01 - countermeasure
Hp/Fixed/Mine - mine
Hp/Fixed/HpRunningLight01 .... 0# - lights that blinks on your ship
Hp/Fixed/HpDocklight01 ... 0# - lights used when docking
Hp/Fixed/HpHeadlight01.. 0# - Headlights
Hp/Fixed/HpMount - important!!! or your ship will sink... lol

Hp/Revolute/HpWeapon01 ... 0# - depends on the number of forward guns you want to install.
Hp/Revolute/HpTurret01 ... 0#
Hp/Revolute/HpTorpedo01 ... 0# -- this is where you put your cruise disrupor an torpedos.

if i forgot something plz. tell me...

then make sure that the Hp/.../... has no materials and they are not first group.
if you have done all this.....
rotate all your ship including the hardpoints so that the ship will be upside down.
save your work
and export it into fl.

now for mats. look for the link about making ships from scratch.

for the inis
you need to edit/append
shiparch.ini - ship archetecture
misc_equip.ini - powerplant
engine_equip.ini - engine
goods.ini - making your ship buyable
marketships.ini - this is where your going to sell your ship....

hope this helps

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