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Realistic Polygon limits

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:27 am

Realistic Polygon limits

Hey everyone. Im a sculptor who uses 3DSMAX5.1

I love to play freelancer and have made some ship models for it. What i need to know is...

1) What is a generally acceptable poly count for a player's ship?

2) Does any1 want to use my designs for their mod? I have downloaded milkshape, but between 3DMAX and modding for morrowind, i have no time left to learn how to make hardpoints, export to FL etc..

anyone help??

A fast ship??!! She made the Kusari run in eight minutes.. If that's fast enough for you..?

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 1:53 pm

Well, in Star Wars: Empires... we've found these polylimits to be realistic for stuff our modellers are doing...

It all actually runs pretty smooth on most average computers.

1000-2500 polies

Light Freighters
1000-4000 polies

Freighters and Light Capital Ships
1500-6000 polies

Medium Caps, Heavy Caps, and Stations

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