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.ini mapping

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Post Mon May 26, 2003 8:17 am

.ini mapping

Has anyone created a 'map' and label for the .ini files yet. This may just fall under the forming of a modding manual, however if someone has mapped the ini files, I would like to have a copy of it.

What I mean by a map of the ini's, is similar to a relations tree in a database. What I am looking for a how the ini's link to one another, and also what the different items in the ini's mean.

Edited by - palidine on 27-05-2003 18:46:41

Post Mon May 26, 2003 4:41 pm

I am trying my best to set the valuse for every thing in the weapon ini..i will send u a copy.

lost in INI heaven

Post Mon May 26, 2003 5:13 pm

Anyone that does have any of the ini's mapped, please send to [email protected]. Thanks

Post Tue May 27, 2003 11:34 am

I am working on an overview of all the .ini-files. It will not be a map (I'm not even sure what you mean by a 'map of all ini files') but a framed html page, with a representation of the ini-files in the FL folder tree structurein the left window; in the right window, the (textualized) ini file can be viewed. I'm not sure yet how useful this might prove to be, but I hope it'll be an easy way to study the .ini-files.

I'm not finished yet, I have to the nebula and system files, and I estimnate I'll need about 2 weeks yet (because it is an extremely borig work and I have other things to do)

I'm not sure if I'll be able to upload it though, because I think'it'll be more than 20 MB which is the max limit of free wen pages I know.

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