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Claimable Stations?

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Sun May 04, 2003 6:42 am

Claimable Stations?

I asked this question in the general editing forum, and then I thought I should probably ask it here too...

Is it possible to mod the game to make the larger facilities (planets and larger stations) claimable? For example, in a war between the houses, could the Rheinlanders push the current owners out of Freeport 1 and use it as a forward command post in an attack on Cambridge? So that you might pass through one time and the station belongs to its original faction, but you come through sometime later, and the Rheinlanders have taken it and it is now the property of Rheinland Navy, with a couple battleships parked outside and the Bretonians kinda scared...

Can this be done?

Any info that says Aye or Nay would be greatly appreciated...


If people who drink Bud Light don't like it, odds are its pretty good beer...


Post Sun May 04, 2003 8:05 am

No, unless you mod the hardcode.

War does not decide who is right, only who is left.

Post Sun May 04, 2003 11:07 am

CW is right

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