If you are using the GUI version (1.1 I hope!). It's a lot easier. I read here that there is some kind of bug in it, but I have not had any problems yet. You just open a file and then close it without doing anything else. The act of opening and then closing the file creates the ini.txt file in the same folder where you opened it. Hope this helps.
A note to the "attitude". Some people do not understand what other people write because the English language is a great betrayer. And some people are a bit lazy, but that's people. Not everyone has a programming background as some of us do, and it's nothing to be ashamed of if you are not familiar with editing and hacking. I had to learn once myself and a lot of patient people helped me. I still don't know everything about it, though I used to code in C++, The fact that you are here and trying is good because we want this game to catch on so Microsoft will improve it and add to it.
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