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**Tutorial** - How to Make a Blackhole

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Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:21 am

Does anyone know why the texture is applied incorrectly to the black hole ring, or (more importantly) how to fix it? You can see several accretion discs along the span of the ring, but clearly only one is supposed to be used over the whole thing.

On another note, is there a way to change the size of the well? I think it is way too big for its matching black hole core.

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:00 pm

you cant reduce the size of the well, it is set at that size because it is the size of the 3d object.

just remember though, the cores of blackholes are supposed to be even smaller theoretically, most are supposed to be the size of a basketball, the galaxy sized ones, the size of a house.

Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:15 am

That's what I was afraid of, but I was hoping there was some sort of scaling parameter I could use in the inis. Thanks anyway though.

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:15 pm

There are black holes in the game.To prove it, go to "F" "Freelancer" something something...

I want some Taqitos-Simpsons old man

Post Sat Apr 10, 2004 11:24 pm

Yeah, there is a swirling blackhole in the background of Tau-37 or Omicron Alpha. but it doesnt spin


Never, ever, take a laxative pill and a sleeping pill in the same night.

When one attempts to go to Object Unknown at the Center of the Tau-37 Sun, one burns up before it reaches it!


Post Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:25 am

I was reading the ini. files, and there was something like a blackhole in "Omega 13" but we all (Hopefully) know that such a system doesn't exist!

"This is no mere ranger! This is Ayragorn, Son of Ayrathorn, and owe him your allegiance!

Post Thu May 11, 2006 6:46 pm

For those that have tried to add the spinning disk effect (including me), one issue was the problem of the disc disappearing then reappearing for no known reason. There is a solution however, goto DATA\SOLAR\BLACKHOLE and open up the bh.ini

ambient = blackhole_far, blackhole_near
flash = blackhole_light1, blackhole_light2, blackhole_light3, blackhole_light4 ************* This is in the wrong place and should be moved to the Exterior section

shape = blackholering
opacity = 0.600000
thickness_edge = 0.900000
fade_range = 2400, 400
ball_scale = 0.500000
flash = bhflash <---------------------just comment this out and replace with above line
flash_radius = 260
flash_size = 70
spin = 0.060000

What happens now is the disc spins all the time and is 100% visible, and flashes randomly as i'm sure Nephilim intended

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