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** Tutorial ** - Adding new ships and Infocards as DLL * Co

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Wed May 21, 2003 2:32 pm

This is way too priceless... make it STICKY so the others can get to notice this easily... STICK STICK STICKY STICK STICK STICKY

(Oh no.... sticked myself up)

Edited by - Ravener on 21-05-2003 15:32:31

Post Wed May 21, 2003 2:45 pm

I think I found the program Zen was talking about
look here : ... load&cid=8

not sure if these are the right files but I really hope so so the mystery of the infocards.exe file has been solved

Post Wed May 21, 2003 9:14 pm

The content of those html-files looks exactly like what i saw in the dll of some mods

... Trent, you go first ...

Post Sat May 24, 2003 6:47 pm

per chance you could put the tutorial on this forum, for i cannot access that page =/
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so i cannot get to either of the links aboce, now that either, non of em i can access or non of them work.
so could you plz put the tutorial on this forum

If What I Can't See Can't Hurt Me...
I'll Run Into Batle Backwards

Post Tue May 27, 2003 8:25 pm

Ok im having some problems about adding ships.

I took the hammerhead's entries from the shiparch.ini and goods.ini and pasted those to new files called new_shiparch.ini and new_goods.ini. I put those files to the corredponding directories.
I added those new ini files to the freelancer.ini to get them loaded.

I've changed the new entries nicknames properly. I didn't change anything else. I added that ship to battleship missouri.

It showed up on the ship list. I bought that. I departed from the battleship. I couldn't land on any base. They denied the request and said "We can't accompany ships of your size"

Any ideas ?

Post Tue May 27, 2003 11:13 pm

I found that you can only mention ships settings in shiparch.ini
That seems to be hardcoded and it doesn't accept ships from any other files to the bases in the game. Probably it can't identify the ship's stats. However you can use additional files like new_goods.ini, new_market_ship.ini, etc.

Post Wed May 28, 2003 9:09 pm

In reply to an earlier bit (Catscratcher I think?)

Range on weapons is the " lifetime " ( under [munition ) multiplied by the "muzzle_velocity " ( under [gun ). I use 750 muzzle velocities so I have lifetime of 1 to give 750 range.

Sorry if this is old news I've only just read the thread.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 10:19 am


You seem to have found out a lot already, Any idea how to initialize a faction?

I've added

Map = 196889, fc_or_grp, 65
Map = 196891, fc_n_grp, 65

to knowledgemap.ini in the folder \DATA\INTERFACE , but The Order and the Nomads still don't show up in my reputation list. And not because I have not yet met them in my test game, because I have! I even did an Order bribe and their ships show up in green, so I expected to see them on my rep list.

I haven't found any other file in which the factions could be set up. The file faction_prop.ini in \DATA\MISSIONS is about the pilots and ships, and the file factionsets.ini in the same folder is empty.

Would the factions be hard-coded? That would suck, as this would mean there's no way to see newly created factions in your rep list.

So I'd rather like someone to point out that I'm an idiot, not to have found the right file

"We are a way of the Cosmos to know itself"

-- Carl Sagan

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:17 pm

Well, I looked everything about factions and saw that nomad has everything already. I added that line to my knowledgemap.ini and nothing happens when i meet with nomads. They don't show up on the list.

Maybe you need to start a new game to take effect. Maybe nomads are hardcoded not to be shown on the rep list, i dunno. I should create a brand new faction with its ships to see. Maybe a new system with two new factions

Edited by - Catscratcher on 30-05-2003 21:18:06

Post Fri May 30, 2003 11:15 pm

Hey Catscratcher,

Cool that you bothered to check it out. Many thanks!

The background of my 'quest' to find out where the rep list is arranged: I am building my mod (which serves both as my learning material and an extension to the game) over OpenSP, to get rid of the story line. (I never played SP and I'm not planning to; I don't have the patience to getthrough the normal SP intro, so I do not consider it an option to try without OpenSP.) It's getting quite nice, with the Order flying in Rapid's Tie-Figthers, -Interceptors and -Defenders, so actually I'm more concerned about the Order than about the Nomads.

Anyway, I also added these lines to the appropriate section of

\DATA\MISSIONS\M13\M13.ini :

Act_SetRep = Player, fc_or_grp, 0.250000
Act_SetRep = Player, fc_n_grp, -0.100000

I also thought that I might have to start a new game; I just did, and only the Liberty Police shows up.

Then I Flew to one of my new bases, did 2 Order bribes, saw the indirect effects on my rep lists: allies of the Order got better, enemies of the Order got worse). But the Order itself didn't show up, although their ships were green on my radar. So the problem is with the representation of the rep list, not with the actual rep.

I will investigate it further tomorrow; going to sleep now (it's 12:10 at my zone of this planet )

"We are a way of the Cosmos to know itself"

-- Carl Sagan

Post Sat May 31, 2003 2:48 pm

ok, i followed zen's tutorial, i've got the bit just before the infocards.exe file everyone seems to be having trouble finding (just after adding the zen_resource.dll to the freelancer.ini file). it says 'load the game, you should see the name of the ship and the price there'. when the intros stop, the game crashes to desktop. if i put back in the the original freelancer.ini i can laod the game, and i see the ship but it says 'IDS?' instead of 'Anubis'. so it seems to be a problem with this zen_resource.dll being added into freelancer.ini. I did put it at the end of the [Resources bit which lists the .dlls............this is really annoying. i was going to continue to see if doing the infocard would fix the problem but people seem unable to get hold the correct infocards.exe file the tutorial mentioned.........*sigh* anyone have any ideas?

I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots, or only five? Tell you the truth, in all the excitement I kind of lost track myself. Being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful hand gun in the world, it'll take your head clean off. So you gotta ask yourself one question - do I feel lucky? ya? Punk?

Post Sat May 31, 2003 3:55 pm

LimeCordial wrote: "anyone have any ideas?"

Well, because I too understood only half of what Zen pointed out, and his site was (and I believe stiil is) down, I couldn't do it his way, and out of frustration I kept trying and eventually I found some alternative way indeed.

I posted this earlier in this thread but BEFORE YOU READ FURTHER please note that, although my explanation might clear things up to you, it is in fact a rather elaborate way. So please also read what Catscratcher added to it in the next post before you start tryng it; it might save you some work.

It's the second long post by me somewhere on this page. Repeat: the second. The first is just Zen's tutorial which I copied from his site before it went down.

"We are a way of the Cosmos to know itself"

-- Carl Sagan

Edited by - hans olo on 31-05-2003 16:57:02

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:35 pm

says i cant view the post, even though i registered and signed in. this is a rip off!

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 1:42 am

He had a noobie pestulance breakdown...
Apparently some noobs plagued him with bothersome questions and pissed him off. He shut his Tutorial stuff down to avoid the hassle.

Perhaps one day he will cool off and re-open his doors to the FreeLancer Reactor.

Edited by - HFH_MACK on 18-07-2003 03:56:30

Post Fri Jul 18, 2003 1:59 pm

Hello to all,

Firstly i need to apologise for the way i have acted, in the removal of the information from my server (including the forums). This was not a mature thing to do.

HFH_Mack, Has approached me about this in a mature way and i have taken a look at my actions and realise i have done you all wrong.

To make this up to you all, i will dig up and repost the tutorial on this forum.

PLease accept my deepest apologies for the trouble caused by this, but thanks to mack as soon as i find the infomation it shall be reposted for you all.

Even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of desert.

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