JustSomeGuy asked the following question in another thread, and I chose to answer it here:
Hi Argh...
Just curious, but why didn't you make your own "my_weapons_equip.ini" file and "my_weapons_good.ini" and "my_market_misc.ini" files (use any name you want )and reference them in the freelancer.ini file so you could leave the originals alone? Then, using a new DLL you could assign new numbers to all the new weapons you made and put them anywhere you wanted to.
1. Because then FLMM won't delete them when removing the mod properly. Which usually doesn't cause problems with things like CMPs or new sounds, but has caused problems with INIs with several major mods. Granted, this is probably avoidable, but I'd rather just not have the issue come up, period.
2. Because I deliberately intended to permanently alter those values insofar as users of the Toolkit are concerned, to introduce modders to the concept of actually building game-balanced mods, instead of add-ons stuck on top of FL's rather lousy game-balance. I'm not just talking out've my arse here- I've demonstrated stock FL's game-balance problems in multiple ways, and I'm sticking to my contention that what I built is superior.
If you want to change them back to the defaults, you can write an XML script that references the values and alters them. I made things 100% easier for everybody, by extensively referencing every value in a way that would make it quite easy to change the values with complete specificity. I even made a demonstration script showing how this could be done for the Civilian Laser series of weapons. What more could one ask for?
3. I would have had to modify every Loadout in the game to fit the new files, or create another set of Loadouts referenced in Freelancer.ini, etc., etc., etc. Why bother, when I can just fix the problems at their source?
In the end, this was both the most technically and philosophically elegant way to address these issues, I think. I do not like FL's stock game-balance, period- I think it's full of redundant weapons, bad ideas, and quite a few things that look like mistakes, such as weapons with marginally different (we're talking 3-4 decimal places) rates of fire, energy use, etc. So I fixed it, and made it rational. This doesn't mean that, for example, you can't find the very best weapons (in terms of damage-per-second) in the "harder" areas of the game, like you could in the stock game- you still will find them there.
But what I've done is very dramatically altered the balance between the "best" and "worst" weapons in the game- the gulf in performance vs. energy efficiency, for example, is a lot different, and lower-level weapons have much better performance, which means that they stay somewhat viable even at higher levels of play.
This does not mean that, say, a Starflier with the default armament is going to be able to take on an Eagle with level 10 weapons/shield very easily... in fact, it won't work at all, because the level 10 shield regenerates quickly enough that the Eagle will never take any damage at all (the damage output of two default lasers is a whopping 416.5 / sec and the Eagle's shield would regen at 750 / sec).
But a Starflier armed with 3 level 3 lasers would, in fact, do enough damage / sec to gradually take down the Eagle's shields, if the Starflier pilot was accurate and didn't die... which is
exactly how things should have been when DA released the game, in my opinion, because it makes flying and shooting skill > money. Money, after all, can be had without anything more than a bit of time (or a fellow clan-member giving it to you- remember that reality of online play) so it should
never ever trump skill- if you suck but have lots of money... you should DIE when confronted by somebody with real skill- it's my attitude about any MP game that involves twitch, and I've been playing MP since Quake was new
If you don't like that, I've made it easy to address- feel free to release a "purist add-on" for the Toolkit that addresses this... but I really don't see the point, myself...