Omicron Explorer, you are an official TRM fan on TLR

I'm pleased you're taking such interest in TRM.
Because this isn't "Front Page news" I'll announce several items here:
1) BETA DELAYED! Due to us wishing to include more into the mod, Beta release date of the 8th or 9th is cancelled I cannot slap an official date on it yet, but look for it mid-October.
2) STORYLINE CONFIRMED! Work has begun on an SP release of the mod. The Beta SP will include the first mission.
3) VOICE ACTORS WANTED! We need voice actors for the storyline. Anyone with a microphone and interest in TRM is asked to contact me on
[email protected] OR apply on our thread in the Help wanted forum.
4) WEBSITE! I've begun website construction. Feel free to view the welcome page.
5) SHIPS! I'm testing some FANTASTIC ships by Bob3terd now. I will release screenshots soon
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency