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** MOD PACK ** Reynen''s Cleint / Server Ship & Equipmen

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Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:34 am

** MOD PACK ** Reynen''s Cleint / Server Ship & Equipmen

Reynen Client / Server Mod 2.0 BETA 4b RELEASE

Download FLMM Version 2.5MB ----- Readme.txt

Download RAR Version 1.9MB

The website is also now up but I am still working on it, slowly.

Reynen Client / Server Mod Website

Unzipped The mod is about 15 MB and I HIGHLY recommend NOT running any other mods with it as it changes over 140 files.

Please see the readme for complete details, this mod is HUGE and completely revampes the Freelancer universe!

Enjoy! This is over a month and a half worth of work so I hope you all really like it. Please post comments and feedback!

I will be hosting a server with this installed. Look for Reynen's Mod Server. (

There have been some major changes in version 2.0 BETA 4

- Added Cruisers
- Added Gunboats
- Decreased NPC damage
- Modified NPC loot drops
- Increased turret view speed
- Cruise speed increased to 500
- All weapons have been changed
- Valkery has had it's hardpoints changed
- Speed has been fixed on all the missiles
- Fixed Battleship cargo & collision problem
- Increased target bases HP for random missions
- Sounds has been fixed for many of the larger ships
- Update all the inforcards with the new information
- Increased nomad ship's firepower to make them harder
- Thrusters now give roughly double your impulse speed
- Increased effects on battleship deaths, nice explosions now
- The empty bases in various sectors now have equipment in them
- Streamlined power regen for freighters, gunboats, and cruisers
- Added "special" drops to the NPC's, see below for specific drops
- Battleships, cruisers, and gunboats have their own unique weapons
- Ships speeds are now 200, 175, 150, 125, & 100 (FT, FR, GB, CR, BS)
- Increased weapons damage for stations, they will not be so easy to destroy
- Freighers, Gunboats, Cruisers, and Battleships each have thier own shield and thrusters
- Weapons have had their hp raised so you do not lose them all at the first hit to the hull
- Missile's have had thier HP raised so that they are not destroyed by another missiles blast
- The number of weapons on the larger ships has been reduced to lessen lag from beam weapons
- With regard to beam weapons, the "size" of the beam has been increased so that you can hit your target

Update Apr 25th

- Fixed a bug with new loot drops
- Fixed Rheinland Cruiser Info Card
- Guardian & Dark Blossom weapons are turret only now
- Fixed effects for the beam turrets, some were using the wrong effect

Update Apr 27th

- Fixed a bug with gunboats turrets
- Fixed a bug with shield drops (hopefully, worked for me)
- Due to mass suicide associated with torpedoes the blast radius is now 300

For installation help and trouble shooting please see the readme file



- If a station is destroyed with a player in it, the server will crash.
- Battleships have real problems in asteroid fields
- If you try and buy gunboats consecutively, game will crash
- Kusari gunboat main gun will not swivel...I worked for hours at this.
- Nomad gunboat will not use a thruster


AGENDA for future versions

- Add 4 systems (need help)
- Add more trade lanes
- Add special random missions (need help)
- Add encounters
- Add station docking rings to kusari
- Add station docking rings to rheinland
- Add station docking rings to border worlds
- Add Cargo Train and Armored Transport
- Add ability to be "Military", "Bountyhunter", "Merchant", or "pirate".
- Give stealthblades to TIE fighters


Piece release mods

Reynen Station Explosion Mod FLMM

Reynen Open Map Mod FLMM

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Edited by - Reynen on 28-04-2003 02:21:00

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:37 am

Highlighting some topics from the other thread:


BobTheDog: (Planet Docking fix)

REY! I THINK I'VE GOT IT! In the li01.ini there is:

visit = 1
nickname = Li01_01
ids_name = 196766
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
rotate = 0, -10, -10
ambient_color = 255, 0, 0
Archetype = planet_earthgrncld_4000
ids_info = 65759
spin = 0, 0.001000, 0
atmosphere_range = 4200
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
base = Li01_01_Base
reputation = li_p_grp

visit = 1
nickname = Zone_Li01_Manhattan_death
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
shape = SPHERE
size = 4100
damage = 2000000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
population_additive = false

visit = 1
nickname = Zone_Li01_001_Planet_Li01_01_atmosphere_burn
pos = -33270, 0, -33039
shape = SPHERE
size = 4600
edge_fraction = 0.070000
spacedust = atmosphere_gray
spacedust_maxparticles = 250

the first zone is the part that hurts you! if ya make it smaller and or hurt less, you can make it out of dock in the big ships, at least in theory. I'm gonna try it now. Check back in with info later. As for the docking rings... I'm getting to it...


Khaos: (Battleship Dock fix)

I just got my Rheinland battleship to successfully dock with Newark Station. I used a rather strange method, and I don't think this should be used for the actual fix. Why? First, it would take a long time to do since you have to do it for EVERY station. And, it is, as I said before, rather strange...

What I did was I copied the [Object section for the Manhattan docking ring, pasted it under the [Object section for Newark Station, positioned it 2000 meters to the left of Newark, and had it set to dock to Newark! It works! I docked with the ring and like magic I appeared in Newark station. It worked flawlessly, no long cutscene or having to spend five minutes just to line up with a moor. But, like I said, I don't think this should be considered the solution unless Reynen 1) Suddenly gains a LOT of time, or us people help him with it 2) There is absolutely no other way to do it.


Moving the Docking Ring.

visit = 1
nickname = Dock_Ring_Li01_01
ids_name = 261168
pos = -33267, 0, -28810
Archetype = dock_ring
ids_info = 66141
dock_with = Li01_01_Base
voice = atc_leg_f01a
space_costume = , robot_body_A
reputation = li_p_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 1
loadout = docking_ring_li_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest

Each system is basically a coordinate grid, therefore we can use coordinates in the order of x (left and right), z (up, down), and y (forward, back). I wanted to move the docking ring forward, so I modified the y-value (-28810). In order to move it forward I have to increase the value. I changed it to -27810, and voila, docking ring is 1000 meters forward.



NM about the docking fixture. Will ahve to stick with the rings. The fixture has the cinematic that you get stuck in with the BS. Looks likes rings is the only way to go.


Hehe the max shields a ship will have is 100K for fighters and 250K for freighters.

The prometheus, Diamond back, and archangel are some of the best weapons in the game, I just made them stronger

I can't really effect the drop rate becuase I haven't found what determines that yet here are a list of GOOD weapons that drop off NPC's.


I also have some "special" shields and engines that are drop only. I am still tweaking all the drops. I don't want to give away all the secrets Not all the drops are also in yet. They will be soon though. I had to take a bunch out to test the new NPC loadout first.



Aight, rings it is.

Aight aight. Sounds good, so the hardest ship I will have to fight will be like all the ships in version 1.6, sounds good, those ships were burly.

So, the promethius and diamond back are among the best weapons. You are able to buy these weapons right from the start, and many of them from that $50,000 mission. This makes all the other weapons that came with the game completely useless right from the beginning, so now you only have a few weapons that are worth your time for the entire game... Is that the way you really want it? I was hoping the new weapons would be some weak, some middle, and some strong weapons, among all the original weapons so it just added to the original weapon atmosphere, but it seems like you just started from the top and made a few slightly higher... maybe make that first mission give you $20,000 so you can still buy the freighter or the fighter with a few weapons, but how about return to the small to medium variety of weapons for sale, and leave the big weapons for dropping only (including the promethius and diamond back...), maybe even return them to their original damages, because it may seem like you increased their damage to try and counteract the 100,000 NPC shields, but now since that is being dropped (maybe closer to normal and balanced), maybe we can return to the more normal variant weapons system (with your new weapons of course to be found, and they should be found if they are top scale weapons).

Well, we can leave the drop rate as it is... as long as the other things get straightened out.

All those weapons sound really cool and I look forward to seeing them, but it feels like I don't have a use for all those other probabaly cool weapons that came with the game that could just add to the variety in your mod.

Cool, neat new drops are always fun!

And I know its your mod, so make it the way you want it, because it is going great.



Well as I said I am still workin on all the drops. If I went back to the original damages no one would be killing anything. In the regular game the max player shield is ONLY 11,000. In here it is still a max of 10K. Even the best weapons in the regular games would be hard to take that shield down.

I wanted to up the stakes that why I made stuff higher.

Also if I went down on damages you would be having 20 min dog fights...I thought you wanted to avoid that?

Right now I'm just trying to get the foundation set. As someone else said, there isn't a real point to MP in FL unless you have PVP. There is no "quest" i can make that will keep it interesting. I can try and add more random quest, but will that really keep people interested?

What will motivate people will be seeing a high level player with a "god like" battleship and want one of their own. I am thinking of raising the cost from 2.5 Mill to 5 or 10 mill. That will take some work. You don't see much action because not alot of people are online at once. If I could get 15-20 people on the server at once you would see the true potential of my mod come to life

Yes it is geared for NP, PVP, but I also wanted to spice up SP also. Hope that clears up some of my reasoning.

Once I am able to get the ramdom player and station missions in this will get alot more interesting. Just have to figure out how. If there is a mission writer out there I could use some help. Also could use some help making systems etc...if I had more help I could do alot more with this mod.


Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Edited by - Reynen on 16-04-2003 05:57:50

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:48 am

So does this also mean that after you get the battleship docking problem fixed and gunboats implamented later that you will be able to port in the large train mod like you were originaly going to add in 1.7?

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:53 am

I posted this in the other forum, I might as well post it here.
I see where you are going with the mod, which is definetly cool.

I am more of a single player kind of player... I will most likely get into MP when I finish the single player game, so I will see the multi-player aspect of it then, and most likely love it.

I don't want 20 minute dog fights, but I see what the mod is doing, so I see there isn't much of a way around it... so I got to thinking...

Could you have a Reynen *light* version then, that would incorporate most of the cool stuff in your mod, without affecting the general purchasing/shield/armour/damages etc...? These are the things I loved for SP that were in your mod:

1) Unlocking of the gates and systems.
2) The ability to put any type of weapon on any ship, no matter what class it was.
3) The improved NPC fighter's AI.
4) Your new weapons and ships, even the ones from the other mods. (maybe have your new weapons drop instead of being buyable? These new weapons may be too strong for the original shield setup, might need some quick number tweaking... and for the ships, possibly make some armour adjustments so they balance with the original ships some?)
5) Any new systems, drops, and random missions you may/already have added.
6) The ability to buy and use battleships. (be able to buy and use battleships when you get to the highest level?)
7) Being able to kill other space stations... however, this isn't to good for SP if they do not come back.

I don't know how hard it would be to release this light version, but it would be practically like an addon to the single and multiplayer expierence without really changing the base gameplay. The code and work is all there, it would just be cutting out some parts etc. This is just a suggestion... but I really think it would be uber-cool to have this for more a single player/original expansion, and the other for MP expirence...

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:03 am


Excellent Idea, I plan to do this, but I need to get the entire thing created first then I can cut out alot of the stuff and use teh original weapons and equipment from freelancer.

I promise you I will make a light version, just let me complete 2.0 then I can do it.



Yes let em sum up my plans for ya

1. Implement Battelship docking fix ( This is taking a bit, have to do every station in the game )
2. ADD Large Trains, Gunboats, and Cruisers.
3. ADD 4 new systems
4. ADD new missions if I can
5. ADD new trade routes
6. Work out any bugs
7: Make a light version that works with the original equipment in FL. ( The shields, engine, power, weapons etc...will all be back to normal)
8: Rest a little
9: After all that add in the bab5 mod.
10 Troubleshoot all the problems with that

This is about a month's forcast.

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Edited by - Reynen on 16-04-2003 06:06:16

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:13 am

If i can also make a suggestion, maybe make it so you can pilot assault transports "They look cool to pilot "

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:45 am

Just asking. With this fixes of the docking for the BS, does it affect ships that have different speeds?

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:09 am


I had problems with assault transports. I will see what I can do.



Any ship can use the station docking rings. This is a fix all solution.


Reynenmod 2.0 BETA 2 is now ready to go. Station docking fix is applied to ALL of liberty. I will put my server up so you can test it out. Please pvp a bit with the battleships and others

I will apply the station fix tommorow to the rest of the universe. My scheduled got cleared so I can work on it all day if I want, which I probably will.

Please see the readme for a list of changes that went in this one

I also added a list of credits in the readme so feel free to check it out

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Edited by - Reynen on 16-04-2003 07:09:08

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:11 am

Just a quick note to let you know my feelings.

I love this MOD and have been keeping up with it for a few weeks now. Please keep up the great work, lots of us out here really appreciate your efforts and can't wait for more.

I am also really glad to hear you plan to tie in the Babylon 5 MOD. As it stands it is quite unbalanced in parts and downright silly in others (Battleship Turrets on a Shadow Ship and Dralthi Fighter???). Ahh, also it incorporates a lot of non-Babylon 5 stuff, like the Dralthi Fighter and Tie Fighter/Int/Def.

Anyway, thanks again for all your effort and eagerly looking forward to your future updates.


Edited by - Tarrax on 16-04-2003 07:13:01

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:23 am

Well I'm glad you like it. I'm glad people aren't complaining to bad about some of the bugs since this is a beta test of 2.0 hehe.

I've been testing it now, server is up and running and I got auto-restart on it.

I am very happy I can dock with battleships now

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:26 am

Congrats Reynen. I knew between you and everyone else here it could get done. I'm glad the battleships are working now. I look forward to playing this and upcoming releases of the mod.

I have a Lan party coming up, so I think i may bring a copy of your mod along with me. I'll make sure to tell ya what everyone thinks of it.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:52 am

Am uploading a new version now. This one fixes the error I made with pittsberg. If you battleship was being destroyed at take off, please download this new version.



Thanks glad you like it, just remeber this is a beta so there will be some bugs

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:56 am

Yeah, but between me and 7 other guys, I'm sure we will find em all. I'll take care to make sure everyone documents all the bugs they run into.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:09 am

Ok, I played around with the latest release of the beta.

Everything with docking seems to be great. Haven't found a problem yet.
*( I spoke too soon. I found that a battleship trying to leave Prison Station Mitchell in Alaska will get stuck in the bottom of it... well, the Bretonia one anyway. haven't tried with others yet. Small matter I guess, since there is nothing on it, and I just blew it up anyway, and that set me free.)

MY only problem was NPC's. I never before believed that the new ship loadout made them too hard. However, I was quite suprised to find that 6 lvl 4 Rouges were able to take out my Rheinlad battleship in a matter of seconds. Their new weapon loadout allowed them to pwn the battleship. Now, when it came to me destroying a battleship, I don't I could lay down the ordinance required to do that without torpedos. I don't know if maybe the NPC loadout is too much for the battleship, or if the battleship itself isn't strong enough, but I have found it hard to do even the easiest of Liberty missions.
Also, when targeting other ships in the battleship, I can't seem to hit them at all. It seems that I can get in a lucky shot or two, but not enough to do damage. I try to target weapons at the leading cursor to fire in front of them, but I think they keep outrunning it. Only things I could think of is either 1) the new speeds have the leading cursor off, or 2) the battleship has poor aim lol.

I don't know if either of these were intentional or not, but I thought I'd point em out. Well, back to testing!

Edited by - Conan007 on 16-04-2003 09:35:13


Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:23 am

I concur with Phr00t.

Starting with with lv10 shields and being able to get best weps in the game very early, sounds very very wrong (imagine somehting like that in an RPG). Kinda kills pleasure of discovery & need for exploration ... best weps should be part of well hidden stuff.

Small question : so the dockable bases respawn at server restart ?

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