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Here you can get help with applying those different MODifications for Freelancer

Post Sun May 18, 2003 6:55 am


Ok, i said this earlyer but heres an update

I've been looking into this conflict stuff. And i think that if i could get like maybe 1 or 2 good modmakers on this, i could splice together the latest Rebalance Grrsk mod with the TOTALSP mod. I think writing them into the same ini. file would work.

Edited by - DJDOOMSDAY on 20-05-2003 21:18:40

Post Tue May 20, 2003 8:23 pm

YO PLEASE REPLY FOLKS, i made another post to put it up further on the message board, and i know that i can activate more than 1 mod at a time. but the problem is the conflicts. WITH HELP (like somone giving me more davanced knowledge on mod scripts and ini. files) i think i can make a mod that will eliminate mod conflicts

Edited by - DJDOOMSDAY on 21-05-2003 18:18:59

Post Wed May 21, 2003 3:42 pm

i have no idea, all i know is that u can activate more than 1 mod with FLMM

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 6:39 pm

DJDOOM I've also been looking in to this recently but with the rebalance /bab 5 mods both at most resent version , i've come to one conclusion unless the modders work coop on there mods there are too many differences from ship id's to what baces sell what . I found that u can combine parts of the mods to get a working buggy mod that has a lot of both mods in it . All in all, you can rewrite the ini's to fit but that would take a long time. i know grssk and rebalance have been combined but isnt grssk a very small mod ??

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