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Here you can get help with applying those different MODifications for Freelancer

Post Tue May 13, 2003 3:56 pm

thanks 4 trying 2 help dragon1, but ive all ready done exactly wot u said an it dont work. Only thing it might b is opensp 1.1(disables story) which ive have set up, set up involved replacing some files in FL(not using FLMM). dose firebalance work with story disabled? (im sure it should as the guy that came up with FLMM suggested opensp 1.1 in 1 of his posts)

Also i have FLMM 1.1 and im currently d/ling firebalance06 so ill try again shortly but if any1 can c where am going wrong plz help.

Post Tue May 13, 2003 4:46 pm

FFs just tried Fb06c an still no rhino at BS missouri <---- i believe this is the nearest base with a noticable diff 2 FL ... ie rhino is now buyable.

IM going 2 try it again without disabling story but if i go thru all the cutsences and 1st 2 missions and theres no Rhino at BS missouri am going 2 b ever so slightly miffed.

How hard can it b 2 get a bloody mod 2 work

Post Tue May 13, 2003 7:18 pm

Surprise surprise it still dosent work

Tried setting up a server then joining, still dosent work

Just tried Tiepackmod, supposedly available at Huston, erm where is huston exactly, it dont show up in Datastorm, so i dont no if it works

Bah I give up, i just hope an offical expansion comes out, its sure 2 work....isnt it ??????

Post Tue May 13, 2003 8:26 pm

Okay. Here is what I did. First I reinstalled the complete program. I deleted all mods from FLMM. I setup a download folder on one of my drives called Freelancer Mods. This is where I put all the freelancer mods that I download. I then double-clicked the mod to install it into the flmm. I then opened the flmm and activated the mod. When you activate the mod the ones that turn red cannot be used because they are in conflict with the activated mod. In the case of mods that have to be copied to the flmm. Here is what you do. Copy the folder to Freelancer Mod Manager/mods. They should show up in the flmm then and all that you have to do is activate them. Make sure that you check to see if they conflict with any mod after activating them. If you have to copy them directly to the freelancer directory then follow the instructions that are in the mod zip. Make sure that you delete all previous saved games by going to Documents with your name and then to my games/account/single. I am not sure of the exact name but that is where all of you saved games are. Then start a new game. I hope that this helps. The planet Houston is in the Texas system.
I don't know if you have to have the story line present in order for the ships to work or not. I have always played the story line.

Edited by - Dragon1 on 13-05-2003 21:30:24

Post Tue May 13, 2003 11:15 pm

Well i tried everything u suggested and still nothing

At least i got some playability now tho coz i deleted my "eagle" saved game when i shoulda just moved it so i need 2 start from scratch again.

Oh btw i give up trying 2 get this 2 work now i just cba.

Thanks anyhoo dragon1

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