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Elite Server Password

Here SysOps can list their MultiPlayer server info and users can send feedback to their SysOps. Or just talk about the MultiPlayer servers they play on. This is not about MultiPlayer in general - please use the MultiPlayer Forum for that!

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:58 am

Elite Server Password

I have tried logging onto the Elite server, but it requires a password...

I have tried the following to no avail:

nothing works.

would someone post what the password is, please?

Edited by - Stinger on 24-03-2003 11:52:20

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:52 am

Look here again, this time look a little closer.

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 1:05 pm

well then think of beeing a clue?

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 8:01 pm

I don't have a clue what the password is....
Can you please e-mail to me

- Dauntless

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:04 pm

Passwords are by design (good ones at least) tough to type in. I can not understand why people are having such difficulties with this. No patience? Can look closely at what it reads? Can experiment a bit on what it could be? If you are typing something in and you're not connecting, then you are tpying in the WRONG password, there is no other explaination.

Look again at the password....look REAL close...then look at the keyboard and think outside the box of what it could possible be on some of the characters. Most password you'll run into in your lifetime will be CaSe SeNsItIVe as well.

IMHO, if someone can not determine what the password is by looking at it then they don't deserver to be on the server.

Stop giving away all the hints or we'll just change it to something more difficult!

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:38 am

One more will need to speak l337 go to:
This page
for a summary of what it is to be l337 its tough I havent been able to figure it out myself.....yet

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:21 am

I personally will not bother playing Freelancer online anymore since the Elite Server has been wiped clean of my level 38 pilot career. I have wasted enough time on far too many different servers just to come back after a few days to see I need to start over again. It's funny too since one of the admins of the Elite Server said that there is no worries about having my character disappear after I voiced my concerns of already having to start fresh 5 other times on previous servers I had played on.

Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:06 pm

It's unfortunate we had to wipe out the characters Owen, but we were left with little choice. The server was crashing every 15-20 minutes because people were stressing the server with modified characters.

Even with the subliminal message in the current password, we had someone actually log on with a Nomad ship yesterday. There is no excuse for that, they were banned immediately. Some people just don't get the point we want to keep the server clean for everyone. There is zero reason to log onto this server with anything more than a regular, legitimate character. Server is much more stable now and very few crashes! Hope it stays that way.

Self-policing from players is the best way to go and there are many pilots that really care enough to watch others on this server. It is helping out tremedously this time around.

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 6:47 am

I may not need the password...But I commend you guys with the usage of such an intelligent idea.....

From the creators of Mystery Science Theather 3000.....

"We don't care who gets our long as the RIGHT people get our jokes"

Seems to kinda fit here.

If you can't figure out the're not a L33T Hax0r..... or something.....I'm still learning this language....


-If you want to flame me...Don't post it in me at

Or call 1-800-RYP-OFF1

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 2:16 pm


Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:50 am

Clap or something! I figured it out

- Dauntless

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