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ScreenShots Not Working

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Fri May 05, 2006 12:57 pm

ScreenShots Not Working

My screenshot button has worked forever, but all of the sudden it has stopped working for some reason. I press PrntScreen in-game and nothing happens, the picture doesn't copy into My Pictures / FreelancerShots anymore.

Someone please help.



Post Fri May 05, 2006 2:36 pm

If you do a ctrl printscrn button press in windows, and then try pasting into paint - do you paste an image in there (ie, is the printscreen button working?).

If so, then maybe some settings have gotten messed up - I'm not big on keymapping, but inside your :

Microsoft games\Freelaner\Data\Interface folder you'll find a file called:

ini files are encrypted,if you haven't got the sdk then trying to open it may look like a right mess - in which case you'll need the sdk.

Once you install the sdk over your freelancers folder (it should hopefully locate the data folder itself i think), then you can open the file in a text editor.

Look for this section:
ids_name = 1995
ids_info = 3318
state = keyup
key = 44

Check that it's under this secton:

If it is, and it's the same - then i dunno. try remapping to another key - perhaps
ids_name = 1995
ids_info = 3318
state = keyup
key = "L"

Then press L and see if it takes a screenshot. I'm sure something somewhere allows for the location of screenshots to be chosen, but I don't remember where.

You could also just try and reinstall instead

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