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Crashing to desktop at Level 5

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:44 am

Crashing to desktop at Level 5

First off, I've already searched for help, yet haven't found anything similar. Also have tried to disable 3D sound, without any effect.

Essentially, i'm playing SP with the Massive Addon and Mod Manager 1.3, yet as soon as I reach level 5 i get a message that Juni wants to talk with me... then whenever I enter Manhattan system's space, the game crashes to desktop. It happened to me when entering from Texas (exactly between the "into the tunnel" and the "out of the tunnel" flicks); then I loaded a older savegame and become Level 5 in Manhatan -but now as soon as I leave the ammunitions factory in Detroit, the game crashes to the desktop too, this time in the very moment when I should tbe able to control my ship after the "leave docking" flick.

Is this a Massive Addon issue? Is a Freelance issue'? Can I load my game to keep playing w/o the mod?

Addenda: I've emt yet another crash to desktop -this time, in missions that imply beaming a escape pod. As soon as I beam the pod, the game crashes. I kinda figure it must be some issue related to some messages, but turning animated comms off hasn't helped.

Edited by - Bill Bones on 12/30/2005 8:07:08 AM

Post Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:29 pm

most likely a mod issue. i've been helping test the new WC mod and some of the ships are missing items on their hardpoints and cause the game to crash. So there are odd things like that which might be the issue. Best bet is to see if there is a forum area for the mod you are playing and maybe ask there



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