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Strange large text problem....

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:56 am

Strange large text problem....

I have a rather stange problem with freelancer installed on one of my machines;
The text in-game and even on the autorun menu is at least several sizes too large and in a different font! (Something simple and rounded like aerial) this is extremely annoying since some of the text regulary goes offscreen and it looks ugly.

I'm guessing freelancer's default font is Agency FB (or at least it's similar), and it's deffinately installed on the machine...

Anybody heard of this problem before or how to fix it?

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:06 am

Sorry to bother ppl, ive just fixed the problem by copying the fonts of the cd.


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