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Problem during Multiplayer

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Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:55 am

Problem during Multiplayer

I am having problem with Freelancer when I comes to multiplay.
I join a server ( this happens on all servers) and then I get to planet view.
for now it works.
then I launch to space and I get the red "connection error" image flash and I get booted due to time out or whatever.
All my other online games works fine, I am on a 100mbit internet line with no firewall either.
I play quake3 , world of warcraft. anything
all works. not freelancer tho
anyone know about this problem?
I can mention that it worked before I reinstalled 3 days ago, now when I try to lauch to space I get booted off. Even if I host my own server ppl cant join.
I also tried a clean install several times and with the patch and without.
All other works except Freelancer online play.

Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 1:26 pm

it could be your trying to connect to servers that have mods on them and you get autobooted. Also, uninstalling freelancer does tend to leave legacy files that cause connections problems.

I would suggest you read through this thread --> Right here and pay close attention the number 1. It sounds like you need to delete that folder it mentions.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
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Creator of the original Privateer FAQ
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Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 1:38 pm

thanks for the quick reply. I will try that once I get home. (on the university now)
I am not running any mods tho , altho I have reinstalled windows so I will try the deleting thing.

Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:11 pm

I tried doing an uninstall and then manually deleting the Freelancer folder.
Then I did a clean new install , no mods , just plain v1.0.
I join other high speed servers with ping as low as 20-30.
same issue
I get connection problem when launching to space.
dont know why
Even on the same servers that I played on before I reinstalled windows I get connection problems.
anyone know what to do?

Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:21 pm

Again, there could be server side mods on the same servers you were connecting to before. Which servers?

Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:49 pm

[BBB Sweden

its a clean 1.0 server.
note that this happens on ALL servers.
it even prevents me from hosting and others joining mine server.

Edited by - doma on 1/22/2005 5:49:17 PM

Edited by - doma on 1/22/2005 5:49:37 PM

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