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Crashes in Multiplayer

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Post Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:20 pm

Crashes in Multiplayer

I keep randomly getting a "Your connection to the server has been lost" message when playing multiplayer. At first I thought it was just the server, but then it started to happen on another server. I'm playing the Rebalance mod (on a Rebalance server, mind you) and I have the same version (2.0). I really have no idea what could be causing things, anyone got an ideas?

Post Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:18 pm

Having the same problems myself, although, only when my wife and I are both playing. If either one of us is on it's fine, both and we can play for about 10-15 mins before getting dropped.

How much bandwidth does FreeLancer use? I've got a 4meg dl and 512k up connection, havn't had this problem with other games.

Post Sun Apr 04, 2004 10:39 pm

You using Rebal 3.4 or the version the server is running i assume, as its likely to be different versions that are causing the trouble!

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