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No servers listed- HELP

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:49 pm

No servers listed- HELP

Everytime i try to start a multiplayer game, choose internet, i get:
"connected to global server..." but no server shows up...
i've read several topics about this problem, but no solution helps me.
i have directx 9.0b , but in the dxdiag it says i've directplay8...
is this the matter? i don't know. i've been trying for about 4 hours now,
and getting tired of trying and failing and trying and failing...
i reinstalled directx 4 times, ran dxdllreg and everything discussed in other
does somebody up there hate me?

I don't have a signature...
Is that bad?

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:00 am

Sometimes the global server goes down, which can result in this very problem for hours on end. There should be a thread in the MP forum where server admins have posted IP addy's. You can use the direct connect file in freelancers EXE folder to enter the IP and then click connect. Then boot up FL, goto that screen, and connect to your server that you inputted the IP of.

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 5:23 am

Running a firewall?
Try checking in the list of programs which arent allowed to go online. I'm pretty sure FL is in there somewhere. Try changing the status or else remove FL from the list and then add it or let FL connect to internet again. It will ask you to approve the connection and then it will work.

I had this problem with Chips mod (Evolutions) turned out I had disalowed the Evolutions version of FL to connect to Internet. FL couldn't connect to the global server just as you say.

If you're running Norton Firewall I can help into more detail if nessecary.

You were gone?

Edit: Damn spelling.

- I'm not crazy, I'm a car. And if you don't believe me, you can get out and walk home. -
*** The Titan flies like a cow ***
Fight like a Warlord

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