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Does not recognise 3d card????

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 3:02 am

Does not recognise 3d card????

I am currently running a Nvidia Geforce 4 mx440 with AGP8x on my computer and Freelancer does not recognise this card?????

Any patches out there that will rectify this?
or any suggestions, as every time someone speaks on the game it sounds like they are in a cave! :-(



Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 10:08 am

Hi there!
Prepare for alot of hassle.

I've had the same problem.
I've upgraded my graphic card drivers (I have a GF ti 4200) from 43.45 to 44.something and I got that very same message.

Solution: stuck with 43.45, then downloaded the new Foreware drivers from and after a reinstall of FL AFTER I installed the new drivers it worked!

-remove freelancer
-download latest forceware drivers from nvidia
-install latest drivers from nvidia
-install FL

If that doesn't work, shoot off another message.
I'm betting that it has to do with the drivers for your video card.
You could also try a rollback of the drivers to 43.45 (that always worked with me).

Good luck

"Never interupt your enemy, when he's making a mistake" -Napoleon Bonaparte

Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:33 pm

Yeh i had a very similar problem and ?Have just posted a reply on the "Problems With Direct X 9" thread on this forum.

i have the same graphics card as you, and its fixed now, look on the other thread as im not typing it again. LOL

The Mercenary Navy - Power Is Everything
Vist The Mercenary Navy Online .

Post Mon Mar 29, 2004 11:57 am

wiggy, i have the exact same card and the exact same problem. this is how i fixed it. run your dxdiag, and click the help/troubleshoot, and overide the display refresh rate to the value of your current moniter, coz the black screen is from the game and the card trying to run it at a higher refresh rate than what your moniter is running at.. mines just a ****ty lil low res thing, and so lowering (overiding) the refresh rate fixed it.. works like a charm now.

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