ok wiseguys, knock yourselfs out with this one
After that I tried to install the Freeworlds mod, but I got an error, that some files were missing or something.
Next I tried to install Frost-Works Level 2 mod, wich did load correctly.
Then I started up Freelancer, but after the splashscreen it crahsed to desktop. So I deleted the autosave, but that didn't help.
I uninstalled the Level 2 mod without problems and tried to run Freelancer without mods and it showed me this message:
I moved all my SP savegames to a different location but I still got the same message.
Then I moved my entire ...\Accts\ folder with all the MP and SP savegames to a different location. But I still got the same error.
I use FLMM V8 beta (the latest isue anyway) and Freelancer SDK including the SDK Update patch.
I don't use the MS Patch V1.1, ofcourse and for some insane reason I can play FL without disk (No cracks, honestly) and I gave my disk to a friend of mine about 100 kilometers away from me, so I can't simply uninstall/reïnstall, wich I would have tried.
All sugestions to solve this are welcome, preferrably without a complete uninstall, because I won't see my friend before Jan 5th.
Tnx to Win XP home we now have access to the bugreports:
I hope this helps to come to a sollution.
Edit: Damn spelling.
Daft Vader - I am your father.
sS - Noooooooo! I demand a DNA-test.
It's better to chase a rabbit then to catch a hare...
Edited by - Nickless: Episode V on 25-12-2003 17:12:40