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ok wiseguys, knock yourselfs out with this one

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu Dec 25, 2003 4:57 pm

ok wiseguys, knock yourselfs out with this one

To explain, I installed Chips Evolutions mod and because I had problems connecting to the global server (it wouldn't connect) I uninstalled it.
After that I tried to install the Freeworlds mod, but I got an error, that some files were missing or something.
Next I tried to install Frost-Works Level 2 mod, wich did load correctly.
Then I started up Freelancer, but after the splashscreen it crahsed to desktop. So I deleted the autosave, but that didn't help.
I uninstalled the Level 2 mod without problems and tried to run Freelancer without mods and it showed me this message:

I moved all my SP savegames to a different location but I still got the same message.
Then I moved my entire ...\Accts\ folder with all the MP and SP savegames to a different location. But I still got the same error.

I use FLMM V8 beta (the latest isue anyway) and Freelancer SDK including the SDK Update patch.
I don't use the MS Patch V1.1, ofcourse and for some insane reason I can play FL without disk (No cracks, honestly) and I gave my disk to a friend of mine about 100 kilometers away from me, so I can't simply uninstall/reïnstall, wich I would have tried.

All sugestions to solve this are welcome, preferrably without a complete uninstall, because I won't see my friend before Jan 5th.

Tnx to Win XP home we now have access to the bugreports:
I hope this helps to come to a sollution.

Edit: Damn spelling.

Daft Vader - I am your father.
sS - Noooooooo! I demand a DNA-test.
It's better to chase a rabbit then to catch a hare...

Edited by - Nickless: Episode V on 25-12-2003 17:12:40

Post Thu Dec 25, 2003 5:53 pm

Ok, I fooled around a bit and found that I was missing a few ini-files. When I looked them up I saw that those ini's were there but only as .flmmbak files.
I think FLMM screwed up maybe when I deleted the Freeworlds mod. I deleted it because, as I said in my oiginal post, it wouldn't load.

Anyway, I changed the files extensions back to .ini by taking of the .flmmbak and started up FL. It wouldn't work, as I suspected, but I didn't receive an errormessage at all.
The new bugreport did show some improvement. Link follows.
As you (whoever reads this) will notice, FL looks for a C:\Works directory, wich doesn't exist.

Note: I never saw a splashscreen, also with the situation described in my original post.


I suspect the dxdiag will be identical, so I just give you the new and improved bugreport.


Turns out I was missing a whole bunch of files wich all were present as .flmmbak
I changed all these files from .flmmbak to what you see in the list
And ofcourse I tried FL again and I did get the splashscreen this time, but as you can see in the list, it was one of the missing files.
Anyway, read FLSpew3.txt for the latest devellopments.

Slight sidenote, FL now works with the level 2 mod activated. But it doesn't work without mod.

Edited by - Nickless: Episode V on 26-12-2003 01:15:31

Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 4:21 pm

I have tried to knock my slef but nothing come out :LOL

sorry man can not help you

" Does killing PKs makes me any better! ? "

Post Sat Dec 27, 2003 12:31 am

Well, I did ask the wiseguys, didn't I

Post Sat Dec 27, 2003 2:43 am

You should have used the restore option in FLMM to fix all the .flmmbak files.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:16 pm

When you deactivate all the mods doesn't FL turn to normal?

Post Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:49 pm

I think that no-cd thing and splash screen comes with the Evolution mod, as before when my game was stock I couldn't do that but now i don't get that screen, it goes virtually straight to the menu, which is kinda cool!

Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 8:32 pm

I had very little expirence with mods and flmm. It ended after unloading the first mod. flmm screwed my ini and other files like dlls. Just made myself backups and restored to original.
If you sure all your ini intact, track down what other files being altered by the mods and copy them back from cd/backup. Or simply f**** re-install the game.

Dont mess with the mess or die like the rest.

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:01 am

I'd love to reïnstall, wich is probably the easiest thing to do, but I don't have the disk atm.

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:44 am

I'd love to help, but Bill holding my mouth shut.

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 7:01 am

When you deactivate all the mods doesn't FL turn to normal?

Not always, so its a good idea to run the restore function in flmm when in doubt.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:37 am

I'll remember, tnx

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:41 pm

hmm, how did you manage to run FL without the disc (and did it work with mods, and did it work online)?

I'm asking because although I have the original CD, I have two huge-ass cracks in it and it's kinda dead

Any other kind of help into the CD issue would also be appreciated.

Post Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:21 am

I'd love to help, but Bill holding my mouth shut.

seriously, Have you considered MS support?

Post Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:25 pm

MS doesn't support this game anymore, but no, I haven't tried it. I might.

@Shadowedge: I have no idea, realy.

Edit: Damn spelling.

- I'm not crazy, I'm a car. And if you don't believe me, you can get out and walk home. -

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