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All Wrecks symboles the "RED X" in NavMap disaper

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Post Sat Dec 06, 2003 7:16 pm

All Wrecks symboles the "RED X" in NavMap disaper


it disapered in all MP servers/characters and in all SP saves, I loaded old saves and its not there anymore.

the problem is more weard, when I got to wreck location I found the wreck there even got some weapens and goods out of, its just it still does not show on my NavMap even if I was there, I can not see the "Red X" symbole for wrecks in NavMaps anymore!

what I have changed lately on my comp?
I have reduced the FL game options for visual quality but I have put every thing back to defualt, but the problem stayed the same.
but this problem apered 2 days after I made these changes.

" Does killing PKs makes me any better! ? "

Post Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:46 pm

heh, tried to re-install?

Post Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:42 pm

if I install every time I get some little problems like this I would have to reinstall windows at least twice a day

anyway I hope that this problem is simple and only I need to modify some options in freelancer, I have as I said returned evey thing to defualt but it the symboles still invisible.

" Does killing PKs makes me any better! ? "

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