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Detail Gone

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Wed Sep 10, 2003 2:39 am

Detail Gone

When I start playing I'm getting a light tan color on the buildings, during the animation, In all fields, except flying in space. The tech help I got from Microsoft was worthless. I got the latest motherboard updates, sound card, & video updates. But it still remains the same. I have uninstalled it twice, but the problem remains. Anybody else that have the same problem ? This has caused me to permantly stopped playing Freelancer. Any "Help" would surely be appreciated.

Post Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:31 am

Can you tell us the graphics card chip you use and what version of drivers?

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:40 pm

Thanks for the quick response here is the info requested:

NVIDIA - GeForce4 TI 4200 with AGP 8X

Any more info let me know.

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:01 am

More Info:
Drivers: Nv4_Disp

I recalled Microsoft Tech Support to tell them that, all of their "Help" for FreeLancer, didn't change anything. I have some light scratches on the bottom of the disk, I told them. And you will never guess what they said, " Since the game is a year old, you may have too buy another one and see if the "New Game Disk" does the same thing. Well so much for Tech Help, from Microsoft.

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