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Post Sun Jul 13, 2003 7:41 pm


when i try to play online freelancer crashes. It's first just normal te menu, multiplayer, internet. Than he goes to connect what also takes a lot of time. But after a few minutes searching it just crashes. I did play yesterday and had no problems. Now i just can't, does anyone have an idee how to fix this or has the microsoft server crashed or something

Post Sun Jul 13, 2003 8:02 pm

From what I've been able to connect with lately, it seems the online servers are all working as well as they do.

Are you working with a clean install of FL or a modded one? Are you connecting from behind a firewall?

Post Sun Jul 13, 2003 8:06 pm

i don't use mods, i reinstalled it completely clean. the only firewall i have yet is the onde in my router

btw when my firewall was installed en active i could go online

Edited by - lord fredman on 13-07-2003 21:12:55

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