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Grouping weapons

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Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 5:36 am

Grouping weapons

I have tried several times to group the weapons on my ships so that the cannon fire with the right mouse button as the norm and that works, but when I try to group my missiles and CD/T launcher together as weapon group 2 I can't get it to work. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I have looked in the manual and in the readme file for a hint but find nothing about creating the weapon groups. Does anyone out there have a clue about creating weapon groups? I have been clicking on the weapons in the weapons list at the bottom right of the hud while holding down the designated "weapon group activation key" (I assigned it to f12 for weapon group 2) and that does not seem to work. How do you do it?

Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 7:11 pm

I tried the weapons grouping whilst trying the automatic countermeasure launch hint (note this doen't work very well as you then don't get autofire) . As far a i remember you select the weapon group 2 (or whichever you want to program), then left click the weapons till the ones you want to fire in the weapon group are green. Now go back and select your default weapon group and try the fire weapon group 2 button. It kinda worked for me, but i found it wasted time whilst i figured out what weapon group to use, so i mostly stick with the default guns, and the Q and E keys.

Post Sat Jul 12, 2003 9:27 am

Well... I could never get it to work like I wanted. I was trying to group the CD/T and the missile launchers, but I just made a gun for the CD/T and just launch 2 modified Cannonball missiles at 'em now instead. That seems to do the trick as they usually blow up or try to pull out with big damage after that (fat chance, my missiles go 1000m/s and my guns range is 1000m so they are not leaving!). I was using all the Star Wars ship Pac ships from Porsche, (love that Corvette, Sith, MilFalcon, even the Awing all with more capacious holds, of course...) but I re-discovered the Anubis (somewhat modified as the Lulu) after I found out how many hardpoints you could "wake up" on that thing.


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