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Lag on Lan with just me?????

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Sat May 24, 2003 2:51 pm

Lag on Lan with just me?????

ok I finished the SP mode and decieded I would give MP a try so loaded the game up in Lan MP mode so it's just me playing, and everytime I get into any kind of battle I get red lag flashers!, now how can this be possible the packets arent going anywhere, Noone eles is playing it's just me on a closed lan running the server and game on the same machine.

2ghz athalon
100 mbit net card
1.5 gig memory
2x 100 gig HD

Any help would be appreciated would hate to stop playing because the lag is so bad
has anyone come out with a mod so I can play a female???? massive Identity crisis playing a guy

Post Sat May 24, 2003 3:27 pm

weird.. i cant even see my own server without an enabled Lan wiht at least 2 pcs.. how did you do that.

argh i'm never gonna get paid, Goodbye a million credits

Post Sat May 24, 2003 3:33 pm

I start the server, setup a password only game and then start the game, then search on lan sometimes I have to refresh the list for it to find me, also I am on cable that might have something to do with it, cable is one huge lan in it's self.
it is so odd because I have been playingon other MP INTERNET games with no lag but on my game on my server I lag to death

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:53 am

hello, i play FL on my dusty old c64


i mean, i play FL on my dusty old k6/2 400 [not SO much difference to my c64 anyway

in SP all works quite well
[music off, textures,objects,effects to the max all other minimum, resolution 800*600*16
looks a bit ugly,but with such a nice game, i tend to not think of it

in MP all comes to a grinding halt
even on my own local server [AFTER the v1.10 patch
the problem is on the pc of a friend [1400 mhz athlon the server crashes every 30 minutes so we play on my server [doesnt crash in hours but this way I can only fly around and trade
as soon as there is some fighting going on around me i have 2 maybe even 3 fps

and yes , it can be made this female-mod
BUT first the voice is a BIG problem
second the outfit, because i have heard that even when you change that old bastard trent to a nice-looking man-killing amazon, it reverts to the standard bullfrog-face in some cutscenes
and third the animations, i think only for the main charactrers there are quasi-lip-sync-animations, i now have a face that never moves the lips when talking
[NO its not the robot

ICQ-# 285975346

"we will meet again, some sunny day"

Edited by - vera lynn on 17-06-2003 03:08:24

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