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Don''t reinstall

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu May 08, 2003 11:40 am

Don''t reinstall

I know this has probably been done to death, but I had to format my PC recently, and so I obviously had to reinstall freelancer, when I started up the multiplayer thingie, it gave me my original account number in this little message, now when I try and join servers, it says that my password and username are incorrect, can anyone help?

Thier illogical pride is a handicap on thier life expectancy

Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:58 pm

This is why they give you the utility to print out you MP account no. You simply type this into your fresh install when prompted, et voila, you have all your old MP accounts and settings, like they'd never gone away.

I did it myself last night.

Post Fri May 09, 2003 8:56 am

Unfortunatly, I didn't print out my account number because I don't have a printer, and I wouldn't of been able to get it because I had to format as my hard disk was screwed. But even still, it shouldn't deny me access to all internet servers, it should just remove my current accounts and make me start over.

Thier illogical pride is a handicap on thier life expectancy

Post Fri May 09, 2003 3:11 pm

You are correct, it shouldn't. Are you using a hookey copy??
I had this, when I reinstalled the game on another PC (a new one in my case). It wouldn't let me join (most servers i think, or all the ones i'd used before. I think it let me into new ones). Once I'd put in my old acct ID, it let me. I think it might be priacy protection.

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