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USB Modem?

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Post Wed May 07, 2003 8:18 pm

USB Modem?

i have heard a rumor. cuz i called the microsoft company in Holland and they said something about USB modem cuz Freelancer runs on a USB server> anywayz, i didnt payed much attention about it, but now i am at an friends place and i see he has a USB modem and he can play FL, this is so confusing that i just need 2 ask, do u need an USB Modem?

Peace out,

i am tha Commander of the space forces of the Amsterdam Sector, its located north of the Kusari Sector. or hmmmmm naaah

Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:48 am

Leme guess.. you got a mxstream Ethernet modem?
It doesnt really matter which one you have... ethernet or usb, you can play MP fine with both... i have the USB version and my mate enrique has the Ethernet version.. and we can both play online


United SL Modelers¸
Administrator for World Of Gamers
Webmaster for Red Faction World

Post Thu May 08, 2003 9:03 am

I have never heard of a USB modem of any kind.

I am using a ethernet uplink and I got no problems at all. U do not need a USB modem or anything like a USB to play.


Post Thu May 08, 2003 10:59 am

ok thx alot m8's i just needed to get that clear. cuz i am using also enthernet or how did u call it? anywayz, but i still cant connect to global server, any suggestions what to do?

Thank you
Peace out,

i am tha Commander of the space forces of the Amsterdam Sector, its located north of the Kusari Sector. or hmmmmm naaah

Post Thu May 08, 2003 11:03 am

I hope u dont do as a person we tried to help. (no name calling)
He made the mistake to press the LAN button instead of the Internet BUtton when he went to the game.

U might need to open some ports on your firewall if u are behind a router. That might be a option why u cannot connect to the servers. (I think its he port # 2301 and 2302 but not sure! read the Read ME! file or ask around in here.)


Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:35 pm

ok mr.devil, at frst what u mean with the first 2 lines of text ?? no name calling?

anyway, i did http://my.ip.adres. src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> and it went to my Router 4-port page where i can change the settings and stuff like that. and there it was DMZ demilitirazied zone or something. i know that means u put ur firewall kinda out, b ut how do u do that, cuz when i enter my OWN ip adres it doesnt save or anything?

what am i to do? PLEASE HELP!!

thank you
Peace out,

Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:44 pm

Not u or aything. I and alot of other peps where talknig to a guy, asked us the sam question: "Why doesnt it go?" He had forgot to click the "Internet" button when he joined the "Multiplayer", instead he clicked the "LAN" button and thus not being able to get any info from the net.

Dont touch the DMZ... What router u got? u should go to a Virtual IP or UDP ports or something like that.. There u should be able to tell what ports u want to open, example 80 (Http), 21 (FTP).. 21000-28000 (Counter-Strike). And u should also be able to choose to what IP u would let those ports be opened for.. your IP then.. 192.168.x.x. (your internal IP, not your ISP-IP.)

First, update the Firmwae of the router to the newest. Most old versions got tons of bugs and things. (Mine wasnt able to config the Firewall.. )
I dont remeber what ports there are that u need to open for FL, but it says in the Read Me! file and u can ask it here for an answer.


Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:54 pm

i see u r also online just like me, lets make an little chat and now i see what u ment with that no calling. lol no i dont do that, i always do internet

anywayz, how u mean with UDP ports or hmmm that other thingie virtual IP yeah, and hmmmmm how can u see what ur internal; IP is and whats the ip of the router?

Peace out,

i am tha Commander of the space forces of the Amsterdam Sector, its located north of the Kusari Sector. or hmmmmm naaah

Post Thu May 08, 2003 4:45 pm

The ports to open are: 2302-2304.

to see what Internal IP u got, press Start, select Run, and write ipconfig.
That would give u a IP-adress, a Subnetmask and a Default Gateway. The IP is your Internal-IP adress. (Usually something like might varie on the 1 and 5.


Post Thu May 08, 2003 9:21 pm

USB Modems can be trouble, when i had my modem plugged into a USB port, whenever i was doing stuff online for a few hours it would reboot my computer without warning Since i put it in the ethernet card it has been fine. If you search you will see there are problems with USB modems...

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