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Can''t see any servers/start a server

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Post Sat May 03, 2003 7:25 pm

Can''t see any servers/start a server

when ever i go to the multiplayer screen w/ the list of servers it just says "getting list from global server" message and never goes away, also when i try to make a server it says "Loading" for about a minute then windows says that flserver.exe has crashed... can this be caused by Zone Alarm? or is it because i got a router?

update: it says "Connecting to global server..." not "getting list from global server"

Edited by - SirTalon on 03-05-2003 20:47:51

Post Sat May 03, 2003 7:31 pm

I wouldn't suspect ZoneAlarm. Do you have that configured to allow some apps (freelancer.exe) access to the internet? Check on that. Could just be the speed of the connection. I dunno. Router "could be' the issue. Need more info to really troubleshoot.

Try looking on the README file on the CD for solutions too.

Post Sat May 03, 2003 7:39 pm

funny thing is that Zone Alarm never warned me about freelancer.exe or any other program trying to access the internet, and same thing w/ flserver.exe

i tryed setting every thing on Zone Alarm to off (firewall, program control) and same thing, also set my router to set me as the DMZ (that worked for War3) but best i can tell it doesn't even try to connect to the internet (i got a wireless connection to my router, and my router goes to a cable connection to the internet)

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