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GeForce Driver?

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:13 am

GeForce Driver?

Which one of you has a Nvidia GeForce2 that works and that has a FULLY WORKING version of Freelancer? If you meet the above requierments, can you give me the driver version of your video card please?


- nU77

.Corsair 4 Ever.

Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 11:23 am

Dude - for starters get the 41.xx detonators, and that will fix any black screen probs. it worked for my GF2 MX200. What do you mean fully working? cos if i had thr GF2 in my PC, it crashes mid-game 10 seconds or so, but in my bro's PC, (which is an EXACT clone of mine) it works like a dream. the Geforce is using Prolink drivers as a base, and works with Freelancer like i sed, with 41.xx detonators. Good luck man, an give us some feedback as to what your problem actually is.

The perfect PC costs how much??

Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:54 pm

I have a GeForce2GTS Pro running on the Nvidia 40.72 dirvers just fine.

Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:51 pm

Me2. Though I am tunking of upgrading to Radeon 9500 PRO.

Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 5:41 pm

I got the detonators... works great... thnx all.

- nU77

.Corsair 4 Ever.

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 1:15 am

i use my Nvidia Ti-4200 just fine.. didnt upgrade to detonators though.. sometimes its not just well for games..

I know.. coz i just format my C: and this is the package given...

Edited by - Lt Cmdr. Ajim on 25-04-2003 20:28:26

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 2:16 am

Wow dude those det drivers are really old. 30.00.

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