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new graphics prob?

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:29 am

new graphics prob?

hey i have a graphics problem and nobody seems to addresss it including microsoft. here is what goes down, free lancer works fine, and i have never had a porblem in game, but when i exit, or tab out or do anyitng out of t he game, my screen goes nuts almost 95% of the time, basicaly a lot of lines. i can c my house, and i can hear ppl msg me on aim, but i can't move anyitng or c anything besides a bunch of lines, it goes to destop for maby half a second, and then the problem goes, only way to fix is to restart, i have a amd xp 2000, w. 512 ddr 2700, adigy sound, and a g eforce 4 ti 4400 made by pny, i tryed older and newer drivers, and format, i don't know wtf is going on, please help, thanx

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:12 am

help :[

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:20 am

Check this thread. ... lse&S=True

Answer lies in there.

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