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MP/SP worked, then crahed, even after format/install.

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Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:17 pm

MP/SP worked, then crahed, even after format/install.

System Setup:
ASUS A7V MB, Via chipset.
Anthlon 1333 GHZ (running a 1 GHZ, max MB allows)
384 Megs RAM; 120 GB WD HD (System Drive); IBM 45 GB HD
ATI 7200 chipset video (Radeon)
SB Live sound.
XP PRO, no SP installed, 8+ older critical updates.

I installed FL about three weeks ago. No problems whatsoever, finsihed the Single Player game. Decided to play MP, and for a bit over a week on two different servers,; DA Test and Systemvoid; again had no problems. Then one day, while trying to connect to the global host, FL locked up, did not connect to the GH, had to reboot. Several attempts were tried to get this to work, nothing helped and began to see corrupt files in FL. Reinstalled FL in different directory, since those corrupt files were not deleatable. Chkdsk /f at bootup would not fix problem files either. Soon after this, my once TOTALLY STABLE system for over a year began to display wierd problems. After boot up, sometimes right after or rarely, a hour or more, I could no longer run programs. My mouse would display a hour glass icon over the task bar and the start menu and would run not programs. CTR-ALT-DEL would not bring up the TM. Would have to reboot. Reinstalling Direct X9 along with FL did not fix problems. OK, time to get drastic:

Reformated, reinstalled XP PRO. Updated ALL critical updates and SP1. Installed FL and ONLY FL, went to MP. Now I could connect to the global host, but after 30 secs to a couple a minutes, FL would lock up itself or crash to a black screen with sound going crazy. Updated SB Live from Creative, drivers only. Updated ATI video from ATI, again drivers only. Updated VIA chipset BIOS. Same problem. Curious, tried SP with one of my older saved games. After a few minutes in space flight, crashed again to black screen with crazy sound. Disable 3D option in FL setup. Used dxdiag to disable sound accelleration. Set video accelation to just one notch. FL still crashing in SP. Used dxdiag to disable acceleration on everything that I could. Now, FL says no 3D card available, and in dxdiag enableing of accelation options all grayed out. Now I am totally STEAMED about all of this. FL worked in a complicated system, lots of services and programs installed or running in the background for well over a year of use, but now will not run on SAME hardware, without so much as a HP printer driver installed or any other software. If there is ANYTHING I missed in trying to fix this problem, please let me know.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 8:35 am

I am no longer having any problems. Here is what happened. When the Globalhost was down, this caused my FL game to freeze and therefore, I had to reboot. Somewhere along the line, my system bacame unstable with the reboots as I foolishly kept trying to get online again with MP. The unstablity maybe related to FL, maybe not. After wiping and re-installing XP Pro, FL would not run correctly, as already stated. After expiermentation found the problem was the video driver. I used the default ATI video driver which XP installed. This did not work. Nor did the latest 3.2 ? driver from ATI work either, same symtoms. However, a driver from about 8 months or so ago from ATI worked without any probems. Since I am at work, I do not have the exact version. Since installing, have had many hours in MP without anyout freezes or CDT. Hopes this helps your troubleshooting in similar cirmcumstances.

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