macro id just like to say that xp sucks!!!
I bought a new mboard chip etc etc last october and of course xp....BIG FRIGGIN MISTAKE! After much of games not running right and programmes you want names well for games i couldnt get battlefield 1942 to run without crashing unreal tournie 2003 did the say but less frequent machine resetting...battle com for my counterstrike clan in the uk would give up all the time. Shall i go on?
Me and a techie friend tried everything possible then i rang my computer guy and he said try something please partion reformat and install "your old" OS Me and see what happens.........OMG NO PROBLEMS!!!!! so just to let you know if you go to our clan site at and look at the amount of ppl saying XP sucks i cant be the only one i think different Os suit different machines in different specs im still on Me and am selling XP. Xp has one inherent problem that you will have to admit has and that is driver signing MICROSOFT DO YOU SELFS A FAVOUR AND REMOVE THESE STUPID driver signing from future Os's
Laters guys if somethings not broken DONT TRY TO FIX IT!