Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 11:09 pm

Rich Text DLL location

I'm not sure if this belongs here, however, I am attempting to run flserver under wine (Linux) (against my better judgement), but when I finally get it to run, it gives me a "Failed to load Rich Text DLL". If I knew which Dll it was, I could copy it over and get wine to use it, but I have no idea what dll it is. There is no richtext.dll file. If anyone knows, please let me know. I appreciate any help. Thanks

Sorry for the hasty post. I did eventually find the propper dlls in the windows system directory. I successfully got the server creation window to come up, but when it attempted to load, it froze on one of the dlls. Later, I discoverred it was the DirectX dll which WINE cannot "emulate." Also, the program was a resource hog as I feared. It looks like there is no "easy" way of running a server in Linux. To the Moderators, I apologize for posting before I had explored all avenues. If you feel this useless and should be deleted or moved go right ahead.

Edited by - VirtualCLD on 29-03-2003 23:48:18