Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 1:36 pm

Problem with exiting internet servers

Hey fellas, I’m having a problem with freelancer when exiting out of an Internet game, and hoping someone has had the same experience and may have some suggestions for me.

When clicking the main menu button to exit the server, or clicking ok when notified the server is full, the game will lock up, but not the computer it self. I am still able to hear freelancer’s music, and also popup sounds when hitting ctrl-esc to activate start menu. I am unable to close freelancer via ctrl-alt-del because the window is behind the frozen screen.

I have tried numerous amount of troubleshooting, from uninstalling nimo (stated in readme regarding sound) reinstalling/updating video/directx drivers, to reinstalling freelancer and deactivating/uninstalling anti-virus/firewalls (pccillin 2002), nothing seems to do the trick unfortunately.

I have referred to the readme and other places, but none of this problem sort.

I’ll give system specs if it will help.

P4 1.6 on a ASUS P4T-E mobo, 512ram
Windows XP sp1
40gb Maxtor hdd, 16gb free
GF3 ti-500 using detonator 41.09
Creative Audigy2
DX 9a (tried both during troubleshooting)

Thanks in advanced
