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Can see on LAN but not Internet

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Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:45 am

Can see on LAN but not Internet

I am makeing a dedicated server on my sysyem with a lynksys router. I have the IP for the computer to use as DMZ host, and no firewall. I have the 'seen on internet' checked and none of my friends can see the server. And when I check on All Seeing Eye, only my LAN server comes up.

Why is my dedicated server not going out to the internet?


Man with the plan

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:11 pm

i also have a linksys router. the game says you need to open ports 2300-2400 UDP. go to the web utility for the router, click the advanced tab, forwarding tab, then under the ext port columns put 2300 in the first one and 2400 in the second. check the UDP protocol box and make sure you have the ip address set to the computer for which you are running the server, then check the enable box. click apply and hit the reset button on the router just to be sure the settings get updated. you may need to restart the comp that will be the server.

if u have already done these things then i feel really dum and apologize for insulting your intelligence, if it helps....YAY!!!


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:08 am

I have not done that but, I thought having DMZ host set to that IP opens ALL ports.

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:35 am

Its supposed to yes, however to get my cs server to work i needed to open the necessary ports AND enable dmz hosting. so i assume it would be the same for freelancer, open up those ports and enable dmz and see if its still broken. i hope this fixes it!

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 3:34 pm

On Linksys routers, you need to disable DHCP for port forwarding to work. In your TCP/IP properties on both machines, force an IP address on the LAN (eg on server box, on game box) rather than "Obtain an IP address automatically". It's DHCP that automatically grabs IP addresses for you, but since you need that disabled for port forwarding to work, you need to force IPs.

You'll also have to explicitly state the DNS server addresses. Most ISPs will give this information somewhere on their website.

And you only need to forward ports 2302 - 2304 for Freelancer to work. Most people will come through on port 2302.

Blue Harvest 24/7 Dedicated Server... minus the few minutes when the memory leak takes us down.

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