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Level System

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Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:45 am

Level System

Does anyone think the lvl system is a bit weak?
Money for lvls is a bit dumb. You should have to accomplish other things to lvl. Missions, kills, systems visited etc.

And does anyone(cheaters wont like this) think that there should be lvl limits on ships, shields and maby even the places you can go?

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:04 pm

well since the level system is monetary technically you have to be able to afford the ship to buy it and therefore should be significant level.

using money as a leveling system isn't really a bad idea, but it is poorly implemeted in this game. today i wanted to see just how easy the game could be if you plan your trade routes. this is what i did...
1) log in new char, 2000 bucks.
2) go find the flint, sell the loot, 30k
3) blow up depots outside manhattan till i was neutral with the criminals.
4) do a couple runs of cardamine from buffalo to manhattan
5) buy a rhino, start running hfuel to detroit, arms to montezuma, then contraband back to manhattan.

few hours later i have about 500k, no kills and have only been engaged once while i was blowing up the depots.

NO game should be that easy to level in, it completely takes away from the experience. sure i could of fought some enemies or do some missions, but why? a level one mission gives you 2k, you can run a load of contraband from buffalo in the same time, less risk, and make more.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:00 pm

I agree, the best trade routes gives too much money. I got 450k and the Dromedary in just above 4 hours (and that includes the 30 mins it took me to find the base where they sell the Dromedary). I took 2 missions at first just to get the Rhino, so no faction is hostile towards me (making trading even faster and more profitable).

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:03 pm

1) log in new char, 2000 bucks.
2) go find the flint, sell the loot, 30k
3) blow up depots outside manhattan till i was neutral with the criminals.

Number 2 ... go find the flint? What does that mean?

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 1:04 am

Search south of WestPoint

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