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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:42 pm


Is it just me? Or is it the most stupid thing to be "born" into the navy and police side??
I find it VERY hard to NOT work for them...
I've tried to take their jobs and aborting them..makin' them mad..
Shootin at their ships and such..
but i always end up gettin' killed!!
HOW do i, in a smart way, go hand in hand with the rouges and the outcasts???

I can't get it!!!!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:45 pm

this will take a long ass time but you can kill xenos untill you are neutral with libert rouges then dock at thier base and take missions from them

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:49 pm

dude just kill navy/police; after enough of those, i became neutral to everything.. including xenos, outcasts, rogues, etc... haha

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:51 pm

yeah but then you cant dock ono any normal ports. killing xenos puts you neutral to EVERYONE other then xenos. its the besto fo both worlds

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:33 am

You need to kill between 30 and 35 Xenos to get the Rogues, Junkers and Outcast neutral to you, barely. Hackers might be another 10-15, and most Bretonian / Rheinland groups such as Mollys and Corsairs won't be affected by the Xenos. If you try it in MP, it can get daaamn annoying because of their lag spasms; you can try killing one for a few minutes each and cramp up your hand.

My Story: I was trolling around in Colorado space when I picked a mission to kill some Xenos for 6K with a fighter wing for support ... I'm like, cool. I get there and I see 4 approaching Xenos. In the furball I see more approaching ... a lot more. I had to scroll to see how many there were in total. My support died, and 10 minutes later I check my kill count which rised from 20 to 35

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:33 am

Well I am a pirate and loving it! The BEST way would be to group up with somebody who else who can already land at pirate bases and accept their missions, so you can stay at a safe distance while the other dude gets the mission, then you link up at waypoint and carry on together.

Failing that, shoot trade lanes and kill freighters and transports (don't worry about the fighters, too much effort for too little reward). Whenever the liberty rouges show up, stick around and finish off their enemies for them then run for it before they kill you. Never EVER fire at a rogue, outcast or hacker no matter what.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:39 am

soon as you start blow up a few depots outside of manhattan, should get you netral with everyone. don't kill the attacking ships, avoid them and hit the depots till they blow up and cruise away (no cruise disruptors on the cops )


Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:55 am

pffff, the Xeno's are my friends :p

i just worked for the navy until i was off my knees, got a patriot, then pwned everything near a jumpgate..... stole whatever came out for a profit too

You just washed up here or something?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:48 pm

And where is the challenge in that RaK? Freelancer is hard as you want it to be, and personally I refused to play the good team for even a split second on that character.


Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:43 pm

you have a point i suppose

i only did 3 missions for them tho and from that point onwards it was alot more fun every1 else on the server was / is playing a good character..... so soon as i turned red, they all hunted me down

now playing as a criminal it is alot harder, and essentially alot more fun

anyway, i did only do the missions to get out of that horrible starflier

still, never going back to being good the back alleys of the systems, secret bases, jumpholes, are far much more interesting

You just washed up here or something?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:59 pm

It is appealing to become a pirate (as opposed to a Smuggler, which just deals in illegal contraband). Being forced to use jumpgates, maybe even being denied access to certain bases or entire planets. I imagine it would be more fun though if you had a pirate partner as it might get tedious doing it yourself.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:13 pm

A good idea is to mine silver in colorado while killing all those darn xenos

- Dauntless

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:34 am

I always get into rogues by accepting a mission against them and then aborting it even before i leave the bar. than i go out and kill some transports. Warning thow, until you are actually green(friendly) to the rogues, they will demand you to drop your cargo if they scan you.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:09 pm

Ah, im loved by everyone BUT Xenos, but all of bretonia and almost all of rheinland want my head, but i dont care, im having fun! after i got bored of the hum-drum life of a trader, and a liberty navy fighter pilot, i became a Corsair (best weapons, and bes fighter in game) i currently own the Sabre and and full green with the corsairs, im just not sure if it says it next to my name. its kind og a b**** that bretonia is after me, next to xenos Bretonia Police and Military hate me most, and for rheinland, Daumann Heavy Construction wants me dead, in which case whenever theres a daumann guy nearby all the cops and bases turn on me, its no fun

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 12:43 am

would killing everything make you neutral with corsairs? they seem to hate everyone

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